Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • PeelerSheila @aussie.zone
    11 months ago

    TRIGGER WARNING: man rant with a hint of mysticism and philosophy…

    Something all mums need to see.

    Picture of a sign in my kitchen which reads, “GOOD MUMS have sticky floors, Messy kitchens, Piles of laundry, dirty ovens and HAPPY KIDS”

    Mr Peeler cracked the shits about how the kitchen was untidy. Admittedly I didn’t clean up very well yesterday, I felt fucking awful and it was an effort to drag myself through any task. I reminded him that he has made plenty of mess in the past week and cleaned none of it. He countered that he was sick. I reminded him I was too, and am still recovering! But only people with main character syndrome are allowed clemency for illness😒 Anyway, to cut a long story short (and a lot of futile self defence type arguing and bullshit out) I have this sign in my kitchen. After a similar argument many years ago, I left the house and went for a walk. I found myself in the op shop around the corner from my house. I walked into the store and there it was, this sign, perched atop a collection of kitchen bric-a-brac. It was literally the first thing my eyes saw when I entered the store. I shit you not, I swear on both my parents graves, there was a soft shaft of light from a high window that fell across some of the kitchen stuff, including this sign. It was so freaky! It was like, a sign but also a sign. You know, a sign sign. Of course I bought it, took it home and placed it in a prominent part of the kitchen, where it remains to this day. Mr Peeler later admitted he’d been a total dick. As he always does. Having the impulse control of a 5yo is not easy for a 60+yo boomer. He does not seem to be able to stop those first words from coming out, and having been in too many relationships where I didn’t adequately stand up for myself if at all, I am shockingly defensive and do not back down in an argument.

    Additional thoughts: I’ve spent altogether too much time in pubs, bars and taverns, done a frightening amount of drinking, and been in the position where it’s late at night and the talk has turned personal. Older men often speak of their mothers, especially after a recent bereavement. I’ve never once in my whole life heard a man say, “my mum was a good lady but I wish she’d cleaned the oven a bit more often,” or “I wish mum had vacuumed more often.” They do say things like, “my mother never held me,” “my mother never told me she loved me,” “my mother was really cold to me my whole life and I never knew why,” “my mother put dad first and us kids came a long way second.” Because these are the things, at the end of the night, at the end of life itself, that really fucking hurt.

    Thankyou for humouring my rant!

    • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
      11 months ago

      Looking at my boomer parents and the ‘kitchen dynamic’ for my poor mum I feel this rant.

      It’s what got me into cooking. It’s fukn hard work and severely underappreciated.

      • PeelerSheila @aussie.zone
        11 months ago

        It so is. Also the buying and storage of ingredients, prepping, cleaning up, all those things that should be done via magic… if I could only get it to work. I used to be simultaneously jealous and derisive of Sabrina from Bewitched. Like, you can literally just wiggle your nose! Why do it all manually‽

    • landsharkkidd@aussie.zone
      11 months ago

      I love my mum, but she expects so much of me and it frustrates me. Especially when she pulls the same stuff I do. Like she’ll leave things out but then gets mad at me when I do. Gets mad when I don’t clean things, but she doesn’t clean things.

      Like, I don’t really care if the house looks like a mess. My friends always tell me how clean my house is, and like obviously I notice the crumbs and such, but mum gets ridiculously embarrassed that the house is messy. She’ll be like “I’m so sorry about the mess!” and it’s like yeah it’s not spotless, but people live here.

      Honestly, this skit from Chris Flemming is exactly my mother.

        • landsharkkidd@aussie.zone
          11 months ago

          Like, I do appreciate her instilling values and teaching me how to clean (because when I was a kid she was a stay at home mum and did everything and didn’t teach myself anything, you know how Mumma boys exist and they don’t know how to cook or like wash clothes because their mum did it for them, that was me. Of course, now I know how to do things, so it’s not like I’m completely out of the dark), but I just… ugh. I totally totally understand how you feel but like… yeah from the perspective of my me and my mum.

          Also, I’m glad you loved that skit, I watch it often. I’ve even shown mum and she’s like jokingly telling me to fuck off haha. “Get rid of the couches, we can’t let people know WE SIT!” and “There can’t be any sign of living in this house”, I often quote those two lines, especially around routine inspections.

  • omoikiri@aussie.zone
    11 months ago

    Been a while since I dropped by. This is why:

    I think we’re finally at submission day 😬

      • omoikiri@aussie.zone
        11 months ago

        The thing I’m most excited about it closing all those physical tabs open on my desktop, as well as all the mental tabs I have open in my head. I’ve been running on 100% bandwidth for about 2 years and I can’t wait to finally be done.

        That and the sweet pay rise I get once I’m conferred. 👌

    • melbourne_wanderer@aussie.zone
      11 months ago

      nice one!!

      once youve made that decision to submit, just hit that button and send your baby off! resiat the urge for “just one more check” :)

      • omoikiri@aussie.zone
        11 months ago

        “Baby.” It definitely feels like that. It also feels like I’ve been pregnant for 41 months and i’m so exhausted and I’m just about ready to throw the whole thing out the window. Apparently that’s how you know you’re basically done.

        Once I’ve sent it off, my supervisors want a version of the pdf for their reference. I’ve told them that even if they notice a typo in there, under no circumstances are they to tell me until I get my examiners report I can actually do something about it.

    • Cendana@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      If I’m bored, sometimes I’ll just schedule emails on the weekend or Friday afternoon to be released at 8am on Monday.

      Except, sometimes I forget and it goes out right away.

    • just_kitten@aussie.zone
      11 months ago

      Got a Wynton Marsalis concert at 2 that my brother got me a ticket for. Weirdly enough I don’t really feel like going now, after all this time… Been a hectic week, socialised heavily four days in a row, today is solo but I kind of want to just flop

      • the_procrastinata@aussie.zone
        11 months ago

        We saw him last time he was out. The first half of the concert then was him playing jazz stuff and it was one of the best performances I’d ever seen. The second half was his own composition which just was not our thing at all and it was so disappointing. There was a guy a few seats along from us who had loved the first half too, standing ovation and whooping and everything, and in the second half he just slumped lower and lower in his seat and half-heartedly clapped a few times at the end.

      • Llabyrinthine@aussie.zone
        11 months ago

        For as much as my love for Jazz in general, I have to admit I had to look him up.

        Also, is it… odd that when I looked him up that the first highlighted question was, “What’s the downside of Wynton Marsalis?”.

        (On a silly side note, I totally dig his name.)

        • useless_modern_god@aussie.zone
          11 months ago

          I actually didn’t plan on joining the group for this particular event but I’m really glad I did. Was mesmerizing and some really good photo opportunities.

          The only caveat is watch what the wind is gonna do on the day. They have massive smoke machines to bounce lasers off and a high wind day will blow it away.

          You are fine to purchase tix last minute as well

    • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
      11 months ago

      I’m in bed with a cat on me. Drawing with a stylus on phone while lying on my back and she’s lying on my front. Neither of us are moving any time soon

  • bull⚡@aussie.zone
    11 months ago

    Found out tonight that Montana is a red state. Dad ordered a Bud Lite at the restaurant and the waiter informed him that they haven’t sold it since the “Bud Lite fiasco”… I looked up what that was and realised where we are. Do a quick Google to see how ridiculous these people are… or just Click here

    Then I thought back through my day and realised I haven’t seen one black person here. I also recall seeing one of those cheap novelty tshirt stores on the main street, one tshirt being Trump with big 80’s sunglasses on and it said “I’ll Be Bach”, which isn’t even clever. There’s no Bach joke there, it’s just a Terminator reference and it’s Back. Now I’m silently judging everyone I see.

    • landsharkkidd@aussie.zone
      11 months ago

      As much as I hate America, I sure as hell do know a lot about American politics and the whole “culture war” shit. But like yeah, right-wing nut jobs essentially boycotted Bud Lite and the reason was… get this, that they sponsored a video of Dylan Mulvaney, a trans woman who has been documenting her transition on TikTok everyday. But the maddening thing about it is, is that the Bud Lite with Dylan on it was only for her, it wasn’t for anyone else. So all these dickheads buying Bud Lite to shoot at it, or going into stores that sell Bud Lite and trashing the place.

      And the sad thing about it… Bud Light never reached out to Mulvaney about this situation to ask if she was okay. This probably is stated in the link you posted, but I guess this is a shorter version. I just have loads of thoughts on this.

  • just_kitten@aussie.zone
    11 months ago
    sox doesn't want me to go to Hamer Hall either, what do :(

    cute tuxedo cat comfortably nestled on a lap

    e: despite her deep comfort I was saved by a knock on the door from a neighbour which dislodged her and finally got me going. Taking a tram after ages and this is one of the less hectic 109s. They gotta figure out better transport though the tram gets so packed once it hits those masses of apartments recently popping up in Abbotsford near IKEA.

  • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
    11 months ago

    Finally gathered myself into an acceptable public form, as I have run out of toilet paper and have been holding this massive shit all day lol

  • TuxOfStars@beehaw.org
    11 months ago

    The need to clean and hang out clothes is strong but so is the need to nap. Think I will do the clothes then let myself have a lil snooze. Life has been so hectic lately I just keep crashing everytime I stop.

    So order of the afternoon (I got a walk and some food prep done this morning so that’s good)

    Hang out clothes Nap / lazy snoozing Clean kitchen and vacuum Suss out the diary for the week. More snoozing.

  • bananafungus@aussie.zone
    11 months ago

    Well shit, housemate is proper sick, it comes out at the ER that they are having head issues and we’re just hiding them thinking they’d go away. It’s going to be a very very long night of testing and obs it looks like.

    Have to say first time in a long time I’ve seen the state of our ERs and jebus it’s bad, lots of very sick folks just plonked in a corner and poked every hour or two just to make sure they aren’t dead.

  • Bacon@aussie.zone
    11 months ago
    • Take a walk: Buy milk and look for dish cloths
    • Eat something
    • Dust
    • Vacuum
    • Shower
    • Eat something more
    • World Cup Final
    • Eat something before bed
  • Hongohones@aussie.zone
    11 months ago

    Misanthropy brews. Sorry if I’ve seemed pissed off lately, but I have been. I hope it’s just the nicotine withdrawal.

    I keep getting reminded in AA that many of the people there are super ill. Both by members and the ill people with their awful behaviour. A lot of misgendering and ridicule or creepy comments about my appearance. It’s been mostly good for me, as it’s developing a routine and meeting other sober people, but I’m having doubts about staying long term like some of the cultists as I call them. The whole idea of getting people to sponsor each other is quite problematic, as they have zero training and there is no training or place to complain about someone being really bad at it except to other members, and then you’re kinda breaking the anonymity. Nothing’s perfect and it definitely works for a lot of people, but there’s also a pretty low retention rate in the program. I won’t throw in the towel yet, but I’ve definitely narrowed my scope and actual places I can feel safe without getting resentful or angry with someone else in the room, which is exactly what we’re told to avoid. We’re supposed to turn the other cheek and try and help that person, but they’re a creep, they’re obviously going to take it the wrong way.

    end rant.

    has anyone else had any experience with these anonymous groups?

    • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
      11 months ago

      I haven’t. But I have heard complaints about new women frequently being creeped or preyed on by more established members. They call it uhh… the 13th step? It really doesn’t seem productive to put really ill and vulnerable people all in together.

      All I can say is go with your gut and don’t turn the other cheek to creepy or disrespectful behaviour. That’s your self preservation speaking. Perhaps see about a women’s group (if they behave any better that is).

      • Hongohones@aussie.zone
        11 months ago

        Yeah the women in the program are generally better behaved . There’s just not many specific women’s groups and some of them are very not welcoming of trans women. I’m supposed to feel empowered and closer to my higher power after meetings, but mostly I’m just fucking annoyed now lmao. Oh well, I’ve stopped drinking, stopped smoking weed and stopped vaping. But I was told not to stop vaping and I stopped smoking weed ages ago, but I needed something to replace drinking with other pissheads on the internet and it has done that.

    • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
      11 months ago

      I’ve read a few scientifically based books about AA programs and everything you experienced as being problematic has been documented .

      But there are other problems too, they teach people to be weak , they teach that all problems are equal ( when they are not ) , they use pseudoscientific/religious jargon

      AA is also seen as all a person ever needs when most people would benefit from seeking a qualified counsellor or cbt therapist when they have outgrown AA

      they teach that people will never be better ( when the fact is they will )

      AA is good in that it can provide a friendship support group, it can be non-judgemental, it is free

      • Hongohones@aussie.zone
        11 months ago

        Yeah the whole being powerless forever is fine for some. Some people really do bottom out and let alcohol cause major problems in their lives. They can’t be better and really need a solution.

        I haven’t done that, nor do I have the shitty character flaws you’re supposed to ask your higher power to remove or harbour a lot of resentments. The ones I have, I’ve been told by members to seek professional help for, well duh. People drink because they’re traumatised. No amount of saying the serenity prayer is going to make me get over some things. I don’t need to make amends either, I’ve never fucked anyone over or slept around. Sure I missed a couple of things cos I was hungover, and my family and friends were concerned about my health, but they were pretty easy for the people to move on from after an apology and my usual lovely behaviour, plus not being hungover and or drunk.

        I guess for me it’s been a cheap rehab, which I needed. I was in despair and drinking myself to death, but I’ve recovered. The book is way too old and while being somewhat still contemporary it’s just not been revised to accommodate things like adhd, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and the extra pressures of the modern world.

        All the cultists just keep saying, keep coming back, what the fuck for? To be called a drag queen or creeped out and told my whole life has been a failure?