They put people from food not bombs on trial in Houston not long ago. The jury came back with a non guilty verdict because the law is fucking stupid and feeding hungry people is always good.
There was a similar case where they couldn’t even get to a trial because almost every single potential juror disqualified themselves immediately when they heard what the charges were by stating they would not uphold that law (the court only want people on the jury who will plausible apply the law “neutrally”)
“I am pro every law. Please put me on this jury so I can do my duty. No, I have never heard of jury nullification. Fuck the homeless, am I right your honor?” - me desperately trying to get on this jury
They put people from food not bombs on trial in Houston not long ago. The jury came back with a non guilty verdict because the law is fucking stupid and feeding hungry people is always good.
Jury nullification for the win.
There was a similar case where they couldn’t even get to a trial because almost every single potential juror disqualified themselves immediately when they heard what the charges were by stating they would not uphold that law (the court only want people on the jury who will plausible apply the law “neutrally”)
“I am pro every law. Please put me on this jury so I can do my duty. No, I have never heard of jury nullification. Fuck the homeless, am I right your honor?” - me desperately trying to get on this jury