The ComfyUI prompt and workflow is attached to the image:

You can’t copy pasta this prompt. There are a few nodes that are specific to SD3 and required.

EDIT: more proof of the chain that lead to this image. They were not all this good. I'm cherry picking for sure and these are just webp's without workflows attached:

    30 days ago

    No, the version they released isn’t the full parameter set, and it’s leading to really bad results in a lot of prompts. You get dramatically better results using their API version, so the full sd3 model is good, but the version we have is not.

    Here’s an example of SD3 API version: SD3 API

    And here’s the same prompt on the local weights version they released: SD3 local weights 2B

    People think stability AI censored NSFW content in the released model, which has crippled its ability to understand a lot of poses and how anatomy works in general.

    For more examples of the issues with SD3, I’d recommend checking this reddit thread.