Is there a reason why? Less funding? Web devs don’t make the pages Firefox friendly? Since the user base is smaller, they just don’t care?

    4 months ago

    It’s like making a .txt document with tables and ASCII art and then on my God other text editors use different fonts and the look breaks. Only the most popular, Windows Notepad is supported.

    Web was supposed to be bulletproof, easy to archive and implement. If a webpage break because a browser is supporting 99% of super bloated web standards instead of 99.5% of Chrome, there is clearly something wrong.

    My rule of thumb is, try to randomly remove some HTML tags and CSS declarations. If whole site break and is unusable because of one/two lines missing, this website is a hack exploiting browser monoculture.

      4 months ago

      Again, I’m not a soldier for any particular software. I’m a pragmatic user. I will use whatever works and will develop of whatever works.

      Some apps and websites are broken on Firefox, that’s why we don’t use it and don’t optimise for it. We don’t care it’s not the fault of Firefox. It’s a pragmatic business decision that is practically inconsequential, because Firefox has so few users.