Is there a reason why? Less funding? Web devs don’t make the pages Firefox friendly? Since the user base is smaller, they just don’t care?

  • Honestly, I’d be fine and understand that he cannot but be complicit in this due to powers beyond his reach. I’d eat my words if he says that he doesn’t like it, but has to comply. But he seems like he’s pretty happy with it. (Again, from that one comment.) I will blame the sandwich artist if he defends shitty sandwiches. Because one has to be responsible for their own work. They’re free to not give a fuck about what anyone thinks. But they are complicit.

      4 months ago

      I’m happy to reply. I don’t think I’m complicit to anything else but an inconsequential business decision and I don’t care one way or the other about it. I used to use Firefox, but I stopped because some apps were broken on Firefox. I’m not a soldier for any browser im a pragmatic user.