A 3M/Ipsos poll of more than 1,000 Australians published recently found 92% say that science can help us solve the problems of tomorrow and 88% see the connection between science and its role in improving their lives.

The Australian Academy of Science thanks the Australian public for their confidence and trust in science.

Perhaps the 88% of Australians surveyed who see positive benefits to their lives can imagine what life would be like without science and its application-a life without vaccines, no sanitation, no refrigeration, no smart phones, no comfortable dentistry, and no weather forecasting.

In a world in which everybody can be a sceptic but not everybody can be an expert, it is more important than ever that science is explained openly, in language that is accessible, and that the public can readily find sources of information that can be trusted-dispassionate, rational, expert.

This means fostering better public understanding of how science works and how it allows us to build knowledge over time.

Science is a system of knowledge: knowledge about the physical and natural world, knowledge gained through observation and experimentation, and knowledge organised systematically.

The public is aware: 93% of Australians surveyed believe positive outcomes can be achieved if people stand up for and defend science; 92% want business to take action to defend science.

  • Nonameuser678@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Unfortunately we often don’t have a choice because there’s pressure to publish in high impact journals which are usually not open access. I would love to be able to publish all of my papers in open access journals!

    However, you can often email researchers asking for a copy of their papers and usually they’ll be happy to share it.