I’ve hears stories of some Americans telling other people who are speaking a non-English language “This is America, speak English!” even if the conversation has nothing to do with them. Why do they do this?

  • undrwater@lemmy.world
    20 days ago

    Does the USA have an official language?

    “No English” can be interpreted many ways. A few examples might be: “It’s really hard to learn, I’ve tried and I just can’t get it!” “I don’t make enough money to take lessons, and I don’t know anyone who will teach me. Will you?” “I’ve learned some English, but I feel nervous speaking to strangers.”

    I suppose “I refuse” is possible. I assume people with such an attitude are in the minority (I’m an optimist).

    • MrFappy@lemmy.world
      20 days ago

      Optimism isn’t always accurate unfortunately. I even try using their language if I know a bit of it and get denied the interaction. So they are essentially refusing to interact with folks not of their own race. So essentially, even though I’m bending over backwards in the ways I can, they’re being the racist individuals in this situation. If you downvote, you’re a moron who needs their head removed, because how else is that supposed to be interpreted?

    • DaPorkchop_@lemmy.ml
      19 days ago

      Based on anecdotal evidence, “I refuse” may be more common than you think. I live in Switzerland, and out of all the expats I know who have been here a long time (20+ years), a large percentage (over half) of them still can’t speak German. At all. Like, they can maybe say “thank you” but that’s about the extent of their vocabulary, and many of them actually seem to be quite proud of the fact that they’ve made absolutely zero attempt to integrate into the local community or culture.

      Now, although I’m fully aware that there are a hell of a lot of differences between Switzerland and the US, it still wouldn’t be at all surprising to me if there were large groups of immigrants in the US who similarly resist learning English.