• sylver_dragon@lemmy.world
    11 days ago

    Holy Misleading Headline, Batman…
    The actual first sentence of the article:

    Since 2019, the U.S. Department of Defense has been asking for a waiver from legislation barring it from doing business with companies reliant on telecommunications equipment manufactured by Huawei.

    Emphasis added. This isn’t the DoD saying “we need to use Huawei hardware”, it’s the DoD saying “a fuck-ton of companies we do business with use Huawei hardware.” And that’s because Huawei hardware is cheap and businesses like cheap. While I do think the DoD has some leverage in contracts to say, “welcome to the Defense Industrial Base (DIB), you cannot use anything manufactured by Huawei in infrastructure which is within scope”. If the text of the law says that the DoD can’t do business with companies who use Huawei hardware at all, then that’s going to be very limiting.