🌈💖🔥 IT’S TIME FOR A REVOLUTION, HONEY! 🎉 We’re talking about the LACK of gay porn communities on lemmy and I am LIVID, Darling! 😡

How can there be so few spaces for us QUEENS to slay and serve face (and body) in the digital realm?! 😱

It’s an OUTRAGE, sweetie! And let me tell you why: STRAIGHT PEOPLE HATE US, GAY PEOPLE! 💔 They’re afraid of our FEARLESS expression, our UNAPOLOGETIC flair, and our UNCONDITIONAL love for ourselves and each other! ❤️

But, honey, WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED! 💁‍♂️ We deserve our own spaces to thrive, to connect, and to CELEBRATE OURSELVES IN ALL OUR GLORY! 🌟 So, lemmy, listen up!

🗣️ We demand more gay porn communities, pronto! ⏰ It’s time to create a digital wonderland where queer voices are heard, where our diversity is celebrated, and where we can be our FABULOUS selves WITHOUT FEAR OF PERSECUTION OR JUDGMENT! 🙏

Until then, I’ll be over here, serving looks, spreading love, and fighting for our right to SHINE BRIGHT LIKE DIAMONDS! 💎✨ Who’s with me, darlings?! 💪

throws glitter and faints

  • DerisionConsulting@lemmy.ca
    10 days ago

    This account is under an hour old, and this reads like copy-pasta trying to make gay people look bad.

    Edit: Yeah, their other comments/posts are just calling everything homophobic. This is just a bad troll.

  • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
    10 days ago

    Real answer:

    Moderating a porn forum is a lot of work for volunteers, because if they fuck up children can get hurt and people can go to prison etc.

    Porn boards should be private with paid subscriptions to pay moderators.

    Or public utilities. That’d work too.

  • jordanlund@lemmy.world
    10 days ago

    I dunno, it seems like there’s a bunch to me… it’s not my thing personally, props to you that it is, but I had to block a bunch out of my “All” feed.

    A lot of it is gay FURRY porn which is ENTIRELY it’s own deal though. That may or may not be your thing. When I first joined Lemmy I was like “Wow, that’s a lot of Yiff…”

    Then there are the homoerotic communities that aren’t necessarily capital “P” Porn like “maleform”.