• PepperoniNipple@lemmynsfw.com
    2 months ago

    Didn’t we kill nazis into submission? How the fuck can anybody say this shit when we have hundreds of history books filled with wars that evolved culture and values?

    If nobody took the roman empire down, pedophilia would still be a thing.

    If nobody killed the medieval lords that enjoyed the “right of the first night”, having sex on the first night of a bride’s wedding, as a means to show dominance and control over the peasants, that shit would still exist today.

    If America didn’t listen to George Washington when he proposed to kill the spaniards that were abusing you, 4th of july wouldn’t exist, you wouldn’t be independent, you’d be living like absolute shit right now.

    Same for Mexico listening to Miguel Hidalgo in september, a priest that convinced mexicans of fighting for their independence, to kill the bunch of spaniards that were absolutely corrupt and evil. If we, and like, the rest of the world didn’t do any of this, we’d still be living like shit under authoritarian governments.

    Same with the nazis. If we didn’t kill thousands of them, they would not be a minority right now as they currently are, they’d be bigger and more powerful. I know America only joined WWII because of monetary reasons, not to save the jews or whatever, but so what? I am still glad it happened, because nazis are people who think they are the shit just because of their genetics, and people like that fucking suck.

    And now, today, we are dealing with the children of the few nazis that survived and moved to America, Argentina, etc. Managed to expand their ideas and shit, becoming again a potential threat to everybody, and the media comes up with cowardly headlines like these?

    These headlines have to be propaganda. Rich powerful corrupt people have to love to pull these psychological tricks on people: saturate us with headlines like these so we lose the will to fight and so they can continue being corrupt pieces of shit comfortably behind our backs. Fuck that.

    Out of the 2000+ billionaires that exist in this world, everyone only talks about 5 or 6 all the time: Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Taylor Swift, JK Rowling… Not even about Warren Buffet, Carlos Slim or whatever anymore. We never talk about any more than that really, and that’s how they thrive, by staying anonymous, they pay the media to not talk about them or something. Fuck that as well.

    A president is our employee; his job is to appease and give us what we need and want. Whatever makes happy the most amount of people in the country. If he can’t do that, or instead is causing more harm than good to the majority, he needs to go, he needs to be removed, he should fear society, not the other way around. The military knows this, the military should always be on the people’s side, because if they killed us all, nuked us or whatever, they’re shooting themselves in the foot too by having no country that gives them power anymore. We are the country, we built it, we are the ones who work the hardest, not them. They are just managers sitting on a chair all day telling us what to do, and if they can’t do that right, then to fucking jail you go because a lot of them refuse to give that power up voluntarily.

    And no, I am not talking about removing Biden you dense idiot. We must remove people like Trump from power, there are a lot of assholes like him that hate gays, blacks, women, minorities, russians, chinese, mexicans, all southernamericans, africans, indians, arabs… People like that are fucking dumb and detrimental to be around with, they’re a massive nuisance to the existence of everyone, is not funny anymore. So, as I said, fuck headlines like these.

    • Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
      2 months ago

      If nobody took the roman empire down, pedophilia would still be a thing.

      If nobody killed the medieval lords that enjoyed the “right of the first night”, having sex on the first night of a bride’s wedding, as a means to show dominance and control over the peasants, that shit would still exist today.

      You know, an argument is much stronger if you don’t resort to bullshit like that that is impossible to prove.

      • PepperoniNipple@lemmynsfw.com
        2 months ago

        How is it impossible to prove? If those influential cultures and values were never killed, they’d still exist today like some of them do.

        There are still arab countries that see pedophilia as normal, that video of the 30 yo something with a 14 year old girl he forcefully married because “culture” comes to mind.

        Couldn’t find it but found worse:

        A 9-yo being sold to a 55-yo for marriage: https://youtu.be/e3C8grEN2Fk?si=uYy0BjWWh_mI-O5c

        In Yemen it seems it’s still legal and normal: https://youtu.be/HmP66xGpjGo?si=FQm_2CtCkLra20Xo

        How do you change those people in your world? Education, waiting for time to do something just because, and being nice won’t do shit. It’s heavily ingrained in them, sadly, I don’t blame them, I blame the culture they grew up in.

        I really cannot believe that you believe broken evil people would suddenly turn good and change just because of time or something. When they do that is because they were forced to by the people, the status quo, or simply someone bigger than them. That’s what History has proven to all of us countless of times for you to say something this nefarious.

        There are cultural values that don’t deserve an ounce of respect or preservation at all, no matter what. People need to understand this and stop playing the “Love and Peace” hippie bs already, because look at what it’s doing and allowing to happen. I feel so bad for those little kids, I wish I could do more. It’s crazy that you do not.

        • Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
          2 months ago

          Cultures evolve through, in part, the influence of other cultures. You clearly have no historical knowledge, you should just stop.

          • PepperoniNipple@lemmynsfw.com
            2 months ago

            What an ignorant and stupid thing to say. How the hell is another culture going to influence them to change just because? This is how wars begin in the first place, when two cultures cannot get along as well and end fighting to overpower one or the other.

            Some influences had to be forced in with war, you are currently seeing that shit right now with Russia and Ukraine, with the chinese who comitted genocide to the Uyghurs, the tension and hate between South Korea and North Korea, Europe and America being so picky and racist with immigration (which in itself shits a lot on your premise completely already), all the goddamn arabs and their like 7 different schools of religious thought that have spawned a lot of wars and terrorism amongst them for the past decades, all because of religious/cultural differences they cannot tolerate from eachother and you are pretty much telling us that “meh, just give them time, one will influence the other without violence” what the fuck?

            Even us mexicans, sending a ton of poisoned drugs like fentanyl to America because it’s easy profit and we hate the way they treat us; their imperialistic and overly-corrupt capitalistic nature that has influenced a bunch of us and we hate it, and the only way to react back is with violence, that’s why narcos exist, because of the lack of opportunities America and our own corruption have caused. They’re just lost people trying to survive, taking the “easy” way out and so on. America forced us to join their stupid War on Drugs, just so that they could fill their prisons with black people and hispanics you wrongfully accussed for possessing drugs, some of them planted by your own racist cops during their apprehensions. About 80% of american prisioners are black, it is not a coincidence, it’s just slavery 2.0, the job of the children of all the racist slave owners and confederate fools that got to live and breed, teach their kids to be disgusting just like them and so on. And also, the weapons narcos use come from America; Mexico doesn’t even have gun factories, not for the ones they use at all. America has caused us a lot of innocent deaths and damage, a lot; 9/11 is a Disney joke next to it, and it’s pathetic to hear you come and say that they are “just influencing us through culture”, really pathetic.

            What’s next? Will you pull out a “TL;DR lol” or not respond at all? Because that’d be the cherry on the top; people like you have pulled that one out a lot before, but it’d just show everyone that you cannot even read a few paragraphs, let alone care about History or people in general.

            Instead of pulling out a cheap gaslight or ad hominem out of your ass without proving or explaining how or why, just show us that you mean what you are, that you are legit, because otherwise you are clearly the only fool here who has never ever read a single History book in his life or has even an ounce of common sense or logic, so fuck off and be a goddamn human being for once already

    • shalafi@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Unfortunately the targets for all this hate have, again and again, expresses, in many ways, that they will not fight back.

      “LOL, you’ll get killed!”

      If that’s what it takes to make my family and country safe, so be it.