The new outlook is utter garbage. It was in fact so bad that I uninstalled it and now use it through the web front-end only. And I’m doing that in Edge - as the only website this browser is allowed to open (asides from Teams, where the software is just as terrible).
If they call it a success that no more people are complaining because they just gave up, then, congrats… I guess?
Oh. This sounds like a good idea lol is the search a lot faster?
The good part: two garbage apps will be gone from windows 😂
Replaced with one god awful one. I actually liked the calendar application, does all I need it to do. But no, I can’t have just a calendar application anymore according to Microsoft
Mozilla used to have Sunbird, until they also rolled it into Thunderbird. Standalone calendars aren’t popular anymore, but in sure there’s some around.
I understand the mail integration, as appointments can be processed directly.
Microsoft won’t stop me from continuing to not use Windows
They certainly tried with Secure Boot. Thank Stallman that UEFI is a somewhat-open architecture.
I think it’s more like what Mozilla is to google; Linux to Microsoft is a tool to prevent antitrust issues
Easy solution – don’t use Windows.
Lol, right, right.
Out of the gate: which distro? Which shell? Now get all a business apps working there, some which were custom developed in the 90’s.
Or CAD. OneNote with SharePoint (which is extensively used). Etc, etc.
Look, there’s a lot wrong with Windows, but switching to Linux for nearly any business isn’t realistic, especially large orgs. And if you only have a few users, working around the negatives is trivial with a few reg scripts, or logon scripts, or Group Policies assigned by the DC.
Tell that to my employer.
I would happily do so! :)
Guess I should have worded that more as, “make my employer understand and make the switch”. We can tell them till we’re blue in the face but they do not seem to care.
I’d never use a Microsoft mail client anyway. I use Thunderbird.
Thunderbird has a pretty ass UI though and it’s still pretty janky at times. I only switched to it over the mail app after email sent to our support department had some random persons name associated with the “contact”
Windows 10s mail app wasn’t bad, but now that it’s this new outlook thing I’d never go back.
It took me a sec to get the hang of it, but I’m good with Thunderbird
It’s not hard to figure out, the UI/UX is just kinda ass. It’s got that open source made for developers by developers feel and not made for actual users feel.
The biggest thing I liked about the windows 10 mail client was how well it scaled to different sized displays, and all on the fly. Thunderbird I either make it look good for my 4k monitor, but unusable on my laptop if it’s a small window, or I make it look good on the laptop and it’s horrendous use of space. Without going into crazy themes the thunderbird client looks straight outa 2002 no matter what font sizes and layouts you tweak.
Yeah I’m with you on the display, especially with a docking laptop. I just kinda fell into it without much searching around, I’m sure there are more user friendly clients out there but it works just fine for my usage and I honestly don’t have time or energy to go on the hunt for the perfect client lol
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Why would I want to use any app that MS makes
Because some are good. VSCode for instance.
Atom was better. Pour one out for my homie
Vscode is not that good IMO.
I’m open for suggestions for a better one, but for me it uniquely combines open source (kind of) with ease of use and functionality / expandability. I used emacs for more than a decade and switched to VSCode (although I don’t do coding as my primary activity anymore). Tried neovim, sublime, netbeans and webstorm and didn’t convince me.
Neovim, hands down.
Mic drop
If I were writing code 40h a week maybe, but my emacs brain can’t get used to vim motions.
Why would you switch from Emacs? That’s a genuine question, as an Emacs user?
Technically still made by Microsoft, but what about VSCodium?
That’s what I meant by “kind of” open source.
I guess way back when microsoft said than win10 would be the last version of windows, what the meant was it would be the last anyone wants to use.
New Outlook is a pile of shit compared to the desktop Outlook app. It’s been causing a lot of headaches for my coworkers. Microsoft had better port near every single feature over to the newapp before they force everyone on it.
Thunderbird is acquiring Exchange features.
They haven’t turned them on just yet owing to a little last-minute work, but your ability to sync calendars and address books with an ActiveSync/Exchange-compatible eMail server is coming soon.
Does that mean the only official email app will be the one that uploads the passwords to all your email accounts to Microsoft?
Threatening us with good times? I think I’ll stick to Mutt.
What do you want me to do, Microsoft? Install Linux twice?
I recommend it, even if you don’t need it, bc it fun
Oh yes! I have done it. A bunch of Linux VMs using Ovirt running on top of CentOS just to test some kernel changes.
Does it matter if everyone stays on windows 10?
you cannot stay on win10 forever though. deadline is approaching
The majority of regular folks will only ever upgrade when they get a new computer. Most Me Maw’s and Pa Paw’s would sooner let their computers catch fire from being loaded with cat than get a new one. Hell. They are all still using ball mice.
As for me, as long as I have an iso I’ll happily run it in a vm. Indefinitely.
Ball mice is better than laser mice since you can take out the ball and play with it
I actually like that app. But can’t use it reliable now since they gave it up. Welcome EMClient and Thunderbird.