I’ve been taking a break from Magic since the beginning of Caves of Ixalan for a number of reasons, but am wanting to check out Bloomburrow. Since part of the reason I stepped away was the Play Booster changeup for drafting, I was wondering how people are feeling about it. I’d be particularly interested in reading your thoughts on it if you were a hater that has ultimately come around to the change.

  • LovesTha🦒@mtgjudge.social
    3 months ago

    @ech @Fluid some of the 50% is that most places had kept prices flat for too long, the jump in pack prices from draft to play boosters came at the same time they needed to reset prices anyway.

    That then gets conflated with drafts (and especially sealed) now be in ng a less good experience.

    So the numbers are much worse, it still might be worth it, but I can’t see anyone doing the 4 drafts a week I did in my 20’s and I’m sad for today’s kids in that situation.