
JULY 25, 2024

Statement by Vice President Kamala Harris

Yesterday, at Union Station in Washington, D.C. we saw despicable acts by unpatriotic protestors and dangerous hate-fueled rhetoric.

I condemn any individuals associating with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and kill Jews. Pro-Hamas graffiti and rhetoric is abhorrent and we must not tolerate it in our nation.

I condemn the burning of the American flag. That flag is a symbol of our highest ideals as a nation and represents the promise of America. It should never be desecrated in that way.

I support the right to peacefully protest, but let’s be clear: Antisemitism, hate and violence of any kind have no place in our nation.

    2 months ago

    I feel as those most of the comments here are trying to push support away from Harris I.E republican fronts/bots.

    • nowhere does she condemn Palestine, ability to protest, freedom of speech.

    • she does condem violence, a terrorist organization (hamas) and willful damage.

    • nowhere does she actually support Israeli actions.

    This is actually how comments from politicans and the police should be acting - you can protest, but it doesn’t allow willfull damage, violence or racism. America has been in a cold civil war for soo long you assume everything is an attack on your ideals.