
Screenshot of YouTube video (paused at 1:28) showing a young woman in pigtails, dressed in a yellow top with a wide neckline and blue jeans, sits cross-legged atop a cooler on a rooftop, with other rooftops visible in the distance. She wears a red pendant with a glowing white light at its center and is smiling at a young man opposite her. The man is wearing an open blue button-down shirt and green pants, gazing downwards with a slight smile.

A compilation of selected comments trashing the microphone-enabled pendant follows, reading:

amazing. at 1:28 you can see the guy decide there won’t be any further dates

The creepy music is doing the exact opposite of what you want this ad to do. You want this to be a normal thing that isn’t weird at all and your music says “black mirror”.

The day you call a listening device “Friend” is the day you lose your humanity

Here comes the next MKBHD worst reviewed product 😂

so basically a bluetooth microphone that listens everything that you say, and that sends it to a chatGPT wrapper.

Don’t need this if you’re schizo already 🥰

To be fair, lots of us have wanted to wear a microphone that sends us lowercase text messages pretending to be our very human friend.

    3 months ago

    oh my god, YIKES. you could not pay me enough to buy one of those. “That show is super underrated. By the way, how’s the falafel?” sounds like someone who wants you to know that they’re stalking you says to you over the phone to prove they know where you are.

    This product is literally being pitched as “Big Tech Big Brother, because God knows you haven’t got any other friends.” I just. I hate this world.