I should actually be working 8h a day, but most of it is spend not working. If I’m honest I’m probably working more like 3h a day even though I enjoy my job.
I should actually be working 8h a day, but most of it is spend not working. If I’m honest I’m probably working more like 3h a day even though I enjoy my job.
As a neurosurgeon I work more than 90 percent of the time I spend in the hospital… I work about 50-60 hours per week.
How many years do you plan on working for?
I was about task how a person can even work that much forgetting I used to do air traffic control and had very similar hours. Glad I don’t have to work like that anymore. Although I’m sure your work is more rewarding.
The surgery and patient contact (speaking hours, visits) are really rewarding like you’ve said. But almost 30 percent or more of yoIur time (it really depends how high is your position) you’re doing (not so rewarding) paperwork… I hate paperwork. :D. It’s a necessary evil, but I still hate it. I work in Germany and we have soooo many paperwork. Paperwork is the only work we can delay, so in the end of the long day (after 8-10 hours of “real” work), your exhausted body still have to finish the paperwork. I very often have to bring the work home because I just don’t have the energy left to finish it in my hospital. And working at home is not “counted” as working hour… If you don’t like the work, it’s really stupid to pick this line of work ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ.
I have heard that air traffic controller (the one in the tower, at least) works like pilot on the ground. Is that true? :D