Hi, title’s rather explanatory I think but I was considering getting a pair of TWS buds for convenience sake since cables are sometimes not an option for me. But I know a lot of modern buds make you get apps that request a large amount of questionable permissions(even if you deny them, the requests in and of itself feels like a red flag) and likely send your data away. So I was wondering if there were any options that were cleaner. Thanks for the help!

  • braindamagebuddy@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    What would you recommend for plane flights or travel especially, I haven’t tried many noise cancelling headphones but the few I tried for a short test run had this sort of “pressure” when the noise cancelling was on which I found a bit uncomfortable.

    I usually use open backs at home since I find the listening experience most comfortable, but obviously that doesn’t work with noise cancelling so I’ve got no clue what’s best.