“Why should I vote for Harris when she’s horrible?”

If you think voting for status-quo Democrats will fail to earn us systemic change, then great; we’re on the same page. That’s why we have to also create green infrastructure, form mutual-aid networks, and unionize. Seven unions signed a letter demanding no more bombs for I$53@1. That’s how the real change will come. Voting for Harris won’t impede that organizing and will even make it easier, as if Trump is elected, he’s likely to ban unions and terrorize your community on his double-time march to authoritarianism.

A vote for a third-party candidate or not voting at all will amount to the same thing: a Trump victory. And if he wins, I’m more likely to be disappeared, for projecting “fuck Trump”. SCOTUS has placed the President above the law, and he would feel no compunction at wielding that dictatorial power to snuff out activists, deport anyone, and restrict women’s rights, for starters.

Voting has a low opportunity cost. You do it one day every few years, and maybe add a few more days on top of that to register other people to vote. The rest of the time, you can focus on community building.

Finally, if you continue to spend time and energy arguing against voting for Harris, I will assume you’re a Republican agent masquerading as a progressive. If you’re in fact not under the employ of the GOP, why do their work for free?

  • Carrolade@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    While I agree that it is very easy for republicans to masquerade as progressives, especially on the internet, I think that’s actually not a particularly effective form of challenge due to how quickly it derails conversations.

    By instead remaining focused on specific issues and policies we can help keep attention where it belongs–on the real life impacts that our elected officials’ policy positions can have on our real lives. The fact of the matter is that Harris does have some genuine progressive chops. While she’s certainly imperfect as a politician, she’s no Bill Clinton-style moderate. We do have her Senate voting record after all, where progressive monitoring groups generally rated her very favorably.