• Communist_Synthesizer@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    You think ending Israel and killing everyone in it is just something Hamas pays lip service to?

    It’s not like every country around them immediately invaded them the moment they were founded, right? Don’t get me wrong, we should never have put them there in the first place. It was the 1950s, nobody else wanted the Jews in their own countries either. But they’re there now. We put them there.

    Hell, the whole reason the region is full of religious fundamentalist freaks is because we made a point of destabilizing the entire region so we could steal their oil without having to pay for it.

    We did that. We put them there, screwed over the entire region and gave the locals an easy scapegoat to project their grievances onto, and after 60 years of it, you want to complain that they’re now too mean to their neighbors so we should leave em out to dry so they can all get killed? While we sit here getting fat off the riches we stole?

    You want to wash our hands of it now? Well that’s convenient. It’s not like we don’t owe everything we take for granted to our ability to print money and force the entire world to buy oil using our currency.

    Honestly, I think we should take a little responsibility. For once in our miserable lives.