Seems to me that there might have been a better way to handle this.

      1 month ago

      I am kinda done with conversations where the respondee ignores everything said then repeats a baseless subjective response that obviously reflects their personal bias. You are only talking to yourself, there is no interaction occuring between you and I. Nonetheless I’ll reply once more and provide you with more questions that you will give no thought to. Maybe share a SpongeBob meme this time, people like SpongeBob memes.

      I am aware of no publicly enforceable policy on child rearing outside of social services, which is poorly funded. Are you able to define, globally, for all parents the definition of what causes a child to be raised “right”? It’s rhetorical, of course you can’t because no one can.

      Bringing up the parents and playing “the blame game” is inevitably going to lead us to a discussion about social support programs to help struggling families. However to me your comments seem like lazy concern trolling, you are “greatly concerned” about the parents, yet I assume will oppose all programs to help make their childrearing easier.

      So let’s test my theory, since you are concerned about the parents involved, which social programs do you feel should be expanded in order to help those families?

      But that is a bit of a hard question, I suggest ignoring everything I asked you and pasting a one-liner question, similar to how you replied to my previous comment. Lazy. Predictable. Boring.