Hi everyone,

The label is saying that this plant is a “Portulaca” without specifying.

But the label also says to put the plant in partial shading with a humid soil. Another red flag compared to the Portulaca Umbraticola is that the label says it’s highly toxic to humans when I found online that it’s not.

Finally, I first tried putting it on a full sunlight balcony (bright hot sun from 10am to 9pm). It become red/yellow but bloomed, now it’s on a partially shaded balcony (light sun from 7am to 10pm) and it’s still loosing its leaves, even more, the color is worsening as you can see.

That’s why I tried online identifiers and they all told me Portulaca umbraticola and that the needs were not the one I had on the label… I might be overwatering then (once every two days).

Should I trust the label and let it there and continue watering? Or shouldn’t I trust the label?

  • pixelmeow@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    This is a portulaca, you can tell by the little seed pods that develop after the flower petals wilt and drop off. They can change color depending on sunlight and how much water they’re getting. I would say the as long as they’re not shriveling they’re probably fine. This one may prefer the partial shade, and make sure the water can drain.

    Developing seed pods