However, a deeper investigation into the Mar-a-Lago sale found that the 1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach property was sold to a company called Mar-a-Lago, Inc.

The Express reported that the owner of Mar-a-Lago, Inc. – and its registered agent – is none other than 45-year-old Donald Trump Jr.

    1 year ago

    I’d buy it. After Obama clowned on him he took it super personally and vowed revenge. He had toyed with running for president before 2016 and it got positive feedback so of course he did it again. I don’t think he ever thought he would win but he definitely figured he could get some solid campaign donations and get a few months of media coverage. The problem is that he was not only backed by the incompetent GOP but also by the very competent Russia and 4chan pol trolls. 100 percent of his success came from the virtually uncontested work of these 2 groups. Their efforts laid the foundation for the cult like following he has enjoyed the past few years. And of course the rest was history.

    I think the look on his face was genuine. He wanted to stick it to Obama and the dems and definitely never thought past that. I think his handlers assumed they could just have him rubber stamp their insidious policies but they clearly didn’t know who they were dealing with.

      1 year ago

      he was not only backed by the incompetent GOP but also by the very competent Russia

      And opposed by an incompetent DNC who hamstrung themselves by sabotaging a popular candidate to prop up a wholy unlikable one.

        1 year ago

        Oh for sure. The second worst political party in the us is the democrats. They regularly fuck around and then are shocked when their woefully inadequate actions result in a victory for their political rivals. Virginias most recent governor election was the Hillary campaign all over again. Assume you’ll win so don’t try at all, pick a terrible candidate who feeds the opposing party perfect sound bites for political ads. Then act shocked when it all blows up in your face. We dragged this state kicking and screaming into modern times and we are one election away from all of that being undone and this state going the way of the rest of the ignorant south.

        There are big consequences for the smug assumptions of establishment democrats.