Gunshots were fired on the visitor’s side of the stadium at Choctaw High School during the third quarter of their game against Del City High School on Friday. At least four other people sustained injuries as a result of the incident, according to police.
There were seven cops there and they still didn’t catch the shooter? Wtf
Yeah, let’s blame this one on the cops. Not the person shooting into a fucking stand full of people.
Good luck grabbing the one dude who shoved a hand gun back into his jacket while people panic run out of the stands lol.
But the good guys with guns could’ve stopped them! 🥺🥺🥺
In Oklahoma too. You know there were tens to hundreds of other people in those stands that were strapped lol.
So if I understand correctly we can’t blame cops when they shoot somebody, we can’t blame cops when somebody else shoots somebody right in front of them, and we can’t blame cops for not shooting white supremacist assholes.
What exactly can they be held accountable for in your fucked up system of thought?
The only “bad” thing cops can do is not take the side of other cops at all times.
Yes. Blame the cops. If the “only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” and the guys hired to be there as the “good guys with a gun” did fuck-all, then I guess it stands to reason that nothing can stop a bad guy with a gun.
Unless… we had some kind of method for preventing the original purchase of the bad guy’s gun. Not possible? Only way to stop is with another gun? See above. Your talking point failed, just like it did in Uvalde.
Maybe that’s not the ONLY way. Perhaps y’all should get a little more creative with your solutions instead of mindlessly dismissing those brought by people you’ve decided to hate.
Also, “lol”? Fuck yourself.
Not the cops fault, but proof more cops didn’t equate to more safety like cops and Republicans want you to think
Don’t get me wrong. I think every single one of our first responders are understaffed and mostly underpaid. Cops, paramedics, firefighters, social workers, all of em. This is absolutely one of those cases though that short of there being metal detectors and/or people wanding spectators on entry, jack shit you could do. The public at large hates the fact that some things just straight up aren’t preventable. Even more so with gun culture in the US.
People hate feeling like they live in a prison. The solution isn’t more detectors and police. The solution is more chances for the poorest among us to find gainful employment. Social welfare programs that let those who can’t work great jobs or fell on shitty times lift themselves back up and feel like they’re doing something. It’s spending money on Crisis Intervention workers so they can go to those mental health calls instead of sending someone who just had to pull dead bodies out of a car wreck.
I work pretty closely with all of them in my field. People complain about cops not having community outreach but all you hear over the scanner is them going from one call to another, non-stop. If you’re in a suburb or larger, there’s ZERO people on traffic duty too. It’s a thankless job most of the time, one that traumatizes you almost weekly, and now people have turned on them HARD compared to when I grew up.
Any time we try to work on the above, Republicans shoot it down even if they ended up being the ones who proposed it lol.