My favourite 2 animals have gotta be :

The Meerkat, I love these little guys, they’re so funny when they pop their heads out of a tunnel and dart their head around looking for potential threats or curiosity. And also cos of the Meerkat adverts.

The Jaguar, this big danger kitty has got the strongest jaws of the big cats and is the unofficial mascot of Brazil. I just like the design of this animal and sheer power that it brings to the food chain below it. An absolutely deadly and beautiful creature.

What about you guys? Got any favourites from the animal kingdom and why?

      1 month ago

      The hippo is the true king of beasts! So cute and plump, yet so deadly and fiercely protective. Also much faster than you would ever believe something that big can run on land, yet is almost stealth in the water until you’ve angered it. It also has one of the most powerful bites and skin 2 inches/ 6 cm thick.

      I’ve become the go-to owl person of Lemmy, but I’m a long time hippo fan.

      1 month ago

      Hey, what the fuck.

      This was my profile picture before you posted it.

    1 month ago

    Elephants!!! They have a beautiful family structure that looks out for one another. They grieve for their dead. Genuinely able to feel and relay emotions through actions and vocal intonations. Their trunk is such a neat and unique appendage. Generally are gentle giants as long as they aren’t being threatened.

    1 month ago

    Overall? Dogs.

    They’re the most perfect animal for companions. They’ve evolved and been bred to work with us, read us, and be as close to part of human life as possible. Nothing else on this planet is as in sync with us, to the degree that you have to go out of your way to make a dog hate you. Anyone wanting to whine about why they don’t like dogs, or be snide, expect to be ridiculed and insulted. Just a warning.

    But that’s not the answer you likely want.

    Tigers. Tigers are majestic as fuck. Beautiful, interesting, alien, massive animals. They’re what you would expect to see in the dictionary beside “predator”.

    You ever play any of those games where a bunch of idiots are sitting around asking increasingly dumb “what if” questions until someone passes out? One that always seems to come up is “what animal would you fuck if you had to?”

    My answer is always “tigers”. And it’s plural. Why plural? Because once you do it once and survive, why would you stop?

    Why tigers? Tigers are majestic as fuck. Beautiful, interesting, alien, massive animals. They’re what you would expect to see in the dictionary beside “predator”.

    We have a tautology here.

    I’m also absurdly fond of chickens now.

    I do not, and would not, fuck a chicken.

    However, they are endlessly entertaining, and you can eat some of the things that come out of them. That alone is worth some affection.

    But then they make noises. Trills and bawks and growls and clucks and little content beak clacks while they nestle into your side as they get ready to nap

    They will also rip food not only from your hands, but your mouth if you aren’t careful.

    They are dinosaurs you can give offerings to. And you must bring offerings to our dino-chicken overlords, lest they deem you unworthy. Biscuits are preferred, but they will accept almost anything until they find a favorite. Once they find a favorite, you will be scolded if you offer anything else. They will still eat the less preferred offerings, but they will do it with contempt.

    Also, no touch. No touch, only look. Touch gets pecks. No touch, only biscuits.

    Chickens are apex predators too small to be the apex of anything but a yard. But within that yard, they are as gods!

    Unless you have a weedeater, in which case, they will wait in the shrubbery, thank you very much. Weedeaters are straight out.

    Absolutely deadly and beautiful creatures, chickens.

  • Count Regal
    1 month ago

    I’m biased, I just sorta… Like all animals. All of them. So this reply is just my mood for today:

    Mammal: Raccoon. The grabby hands, the masks, they’re just cool little guys

    Bird: Crows. Clever and playful caw caw boys. Capable of incredible feats of animal intelligence.

    Reptile: Tegu. The cats of the lizard world.

    Amphibian: Poison dart frogs. Danger bois. Don’t touch. But they look so cool.

    Fish: fish are not valid

    Crustacean: Coconut crabs! They are big and cool.

    Insect: Ants. Eusocial insects are really cool.

    Mollusk: those really big snails that look like slime bunnies

    Worm: Leeches. They’re cool to look at.

    Arachnid: Jumping spider. They are smols.

      1 month ago

      I saw a video on youtube about an ant supercolony maybe 20 years ago now and ants have been super fascinating ever since. They farm fungi! They ranch aphids! They have designated trash dumps! They go to war and take slaves! They build ventilation chimneys (whatever they’re called) so air can move around in the colony tunnels!