I have a friend thats setting up linux (ubuntu) on his machine. He has a windows installation. I personally use mac as my primary OS, but I’ve had a linux partition on my machine as well, and I’m having a slightly hard time giving him good advice as to what solution he should choose when setting up linux (I don’t even know how I would partition a disk on a windows machine to prep it for dual booting).
My question is quite simple: What are the pros/cons of WSL vs. Dual Booting vs. Virtualbox, both with regards to setup and with regards to usage?
Depends on their specific needs, so they should probably jump into some Linux community and ask for themselves.
My anecdotal evidence includes vastly different experiences.
I have a friend who hates Linux desktop and exclusively uses it for running commands via WSL.
Another who uses Linux desktop primarely, but dualboots Windows for certain games.
And I am on Linux single boot and use KVM sometimes for running my CNC or other software.