• Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
    18 days ago

    the sad reality is that a third party vote is useless at best, and helping the person you don’t want at worst.

    And will continue to be as long as people refuse to vote third party out of fear.

    Unless we remove FPTP

    And neither the Democrats nor the Republicans want that to happen. So I’m voting third party. Proudly.

    • halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world
      18 days ago

      And will continue to be as long as people refuse to vote third party out of fear.

      No it will be that way as long as our FPTP system and Electoral College remains as it is. A third party in our election system will be a spoiler candidate. They will always take votes from another more popular candidate, and given enough third party votes will result in the least popular candidate winning.

      That is the system we have, like it or not. Sticking your head in the sand and being an idiot about it doesn’t help change reality.

      We need to implement ranked choice voting and remove the FPTP system to actually start seeing candidates that reflect our beliefs instead of having the same two football teams.

      So I’m voting third party. Proudly.

      Good for you. Throwing away your vote and actively working against reality isn’t the win you seem to think it is. But you’re free to be an idiot, this country is built on allowing everyone to be an idiot, and it’s exactly what the leaders of both large parties want to have happen. You vote, but your vote means less almost every other vote because of the system it was cast in.

      Congratulations for accomplishing nothing, at best. At least you feel superior to others for it.

      • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
        18 days ago

        Good for you.

        Thank you! :)

        By the way, voting based on principle isn’t “throwing away” a vote in my eyes; it’s exercising the right to stand for policies and candidates that truly reflect personal values.

        By dismissing third-party voters as “idiots,” you’re ignoring the importance of challenging a flawed system that keeps voters stuck in a two-party stranglehold. Real change happens when people refuse to settle for less and push for a political landscape where every vote genuinely matters.

        • halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world
          18 days ago

          The Green Party isn’t doing shit to try to fix the system, and is just as hypocritical as the bigger parties.

          It’s a throwaway vote whether you want to admit it or not.

          • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
            18 days ago

            It’s a throwaway vote whether you want to admit it or not.

            Not to me. I feel that voting based on principle isn’t “throwing away” a vote; it’s exercising the right to stand for policies and candidates that truly reflect my personal values.

            I support and respect your right to your opinion. I just don’t agree with it.

            • TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
              17 days ago

              No, you really don’t support or respect anyone else’s right to an opinion. Otherwise you wouldn’t be shitting so hard on people’s opinions on Lemmy, despite being downvoted on most of your opinions and called out repeatedly. You’re here to force your opinion down our throat, and not for the purpose of enlightening us. There is another purpose here. One that has nothing to do with trying to convince an audience you stubbornly haven’t read. I won’t go further than that (thanks Rule 3) but I said what I said.

              • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
                17 days ago

                Funny you say that. Because actually, the hateful comments and attempts to silence me here just pushed me to create a new Lemmy community last night where even more diverse political opinions can be shared.

                So, in a way, the hate and false accusations I received here directly led to the creation of a new community where even more Republican and third-party views will now be discussed.

                Isn’t that ironic? By trying to quiet me, you just made me speak up louder. Now the very views that you wanted to limit, are going be even more available. Well done!

                Guess ya should been a little nicer. :)

                • TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
                  17 days ago

                  Good for you! Why don’t you head over there. A little echo chamber of your own creation, waiting for you to diss the Dems as much as you want without me coming to fact-check you or call you out on your bullshit. And you’re even welcoming to Republicans! Not that any of that was a surprise to me because you’re busy doing the Republicans’ jobs for them over here.

                  But know this. I’m not going to try to shut you down or shut you up here. I’ve like only reported a single post of your ilk over here, and that was for calling Dems murderers and genociders while getting my posts shut down. I’m just going to call you on your bullshit every time I see it. That’s it. Have a nice day.

                  • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
                    17 days ago

                    A little echo chamber of your own creation,

                    Actually it’s for posts of all parties. So feel free to post as many pro democrat/anti-trump articles as you want.

                    @skeezix has been posting pro-democrat articles there, and he hates me even more than you do. And you can call me all the names you want over there, because unless you get racist or violent, I don’t care what you say. So let go and tell me what you really think of me if ya want. Or not. I don’t care either way.

                    I’m not sure I am allowed to post links to it, but the community is under my profile and is called Politics Unfiltered.

                    See, unlike you, I don’t believe in holding back news, so post away. They’ll stay up. And it’s Lemmy, so they’ll probably get plenty of upvotes too.

                    And you’re even welcoming to Republicans!

                    I am. And Democrats. And third parties.

                    I’ve like only reported a single post of your ilk over here, and that was for calling Dems murderers and genociders

                    I’ve never called Dems murders and or genociders. Can you link to the comment where i said that, please? Because if something I said said that, I’m happy to edit, because I haven’t said that intentionally because i don’t think that.

                    I’m just going to call you on your bullshit every time I see it.

                    Ok, well you keep responding to every post I make then. I don’t mind.