• Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
    18 days ago

    So a way to do all the things you aren’t doing?

    I don’t know what you mean.

    If this is a way to parody lib civility nonsense then you are doing a bang up job.

    I don’t know what you mean by this either. Are you saying we shouldn’t be civil and that namecalling should be allowed?!

    • shani66@ani.social
      18 days ago

      Started posting very recently, only a single point of interaction outside of politics, posts only about a specific type of topic, aggressive but very fake personality, always comments in bad faith, gets even more aggressive when called out in your bullshit, nigh constant engagement.

      Who’s paying you? Guess that doesn’t matter, let you friends know you suck at this job.

    • TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
      17 days ago

      I don’t know what you mean by this either. Are you saying we shouldn’t be civil and that namecalling should be allowed?!

      Can’t speak for shani66, but I can speak for myself. The rule says we only have to treat other members with good faith and respect. I personally think this rule is flawed. Respect is earned, not compelled. ‘Respect’ that is compelled is not respect at all. I still hate your guts, even if I’m forced not to express it in the way I want to. I think you are dishonest. I think you’re not here on good faith. And I know with certainty that there are bots and paid actors trawling these forums, spewing repeated nonsense to distract us and peel votes off our coalition so that their actual favoured candidate, Donald J. Trump, can win. Rule 3 says we can’t call those users out, at least not directly, which harms this community and allows the alt-right to spew its bullshit. But those are the rules, and it helps keep people who have legitimate criticisms from being lumped in with the troll accounts and the bots and the other bad actors.

      Note, however, that the rule EXPLICITLY ALLOWS disrespectful commentary towards subjects of the article.

      It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (pejorative, pejorative).

      Translated for you, this means that yes, we can absolutely call Muslim Americans voting third parties or staying home because Biden and Harris weren’t liberal enough for them a bunch of morons, because that is the subject of the article. I just can’t call you an idiot and a moron for voting third party because…

      It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (pejorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members.

      The biggest flaw of these two rules? It’s OK for people like you to come in and collectively call us a bunch of murderers and genociders for supporting Biden as long as you don’t individually call us out. And you’re 100% here abusing every inch of that, while trying to literally muzzle us with the rules on topics you don’t agree with.

      Sorry, ‘friend’, we’re not here for that. We’re going to keep calling you on the BS you’re spewing here until you hopefully disappear after election day, following the rules as closely as Jordon Lund requires us to to keep our comments visible.

      • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
        17 days ago

        The rule says we only have to treat other members with good faith and respect. I personally think this rule is flawed.

        Take it up with the mods, friend.

        I think you are dishonest.

        I don’t care.

        nd I know with certainty that there are bots and paid actors trawling these forums, spewing repeated nonsense to distract us and peel votes off our coalition so that their actual favoured candidate, Donald J. Trump, can win.

        Cool story, bro. I’m not one of them though. But hey, you keep your fantasy alive if ya want.

        It’s OK for people like you to come in and collectively call us a bunch of murderers and genociders for supporting Biden as long as you don’t individually call us out.

        I’ve never said that. Feel free to talk to the mods about your issues.

        We’re going to keep calling you on the BS you’re spewing here until you hopefully disappear after election

        I won’t disappear. In fact, you directly inspired my new Lemmy sub that has even more third party posts and republican posts in addition to democrat posts.

        You trying to censor me, just made me louder and even more convinced that people need more choices. Now even more of the choice and news you didn’t want people to see, will be seen.

        Ironic, right?!

        • TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
          17 days ago

          Dear reader, look close at this poster’s words. They deliberately misread a statement that I think this poster will disappear after election day, mission successful or not, because after Election Day the die has already been cast. I’m sure they’ll pop back in here, possibly with a new account, starting some time in 2027, assuming we have elections if Trump wins, to spew the same bullshit in order to peel off votes from the Left again so the Right once again has a shot of stealing it and forcing Project 20252028 down our throat. But of course the poster misreads this into believing that I’m trying to get him shut down.

          • I have not reported his posts once, despite my clear belief that he’s skirting the rules and is actively reporting us, getting us muzzled for even minor infractions of the rules.
          • I do not have the power to make this poster’s posts disappear. Even if I did, I wouldn’t, because this bullshit needs challenging
          • In fact, like many other people this poster is attacking, the only thing I’m doing is repeatedly pointing out the visible and glaring flaws in this poster’s reasoning.

          Folks, voting third party is stupid. I can say that under Rule 3. If you cast your vote for anyone but Kamala Harris, you are an idiot. I can say that under Rule 3 as well, though it’s a bit murkier as I might be considered as attacking a poster (hopefully the ‘if you do x, you are y’ construct helps). All these Muslim voters falling for the Third Party bullshit are gonna get themselves Project 2025’d right into a concentration camp and are blathering idiots if they do that. I can say that under Rule 3.

          Don’t be the blathering idiot by listening to this…poster (yes, I have MUCH stronger words I want to use, but…Rule 3…). If your vote wasn’t important, there wouldn’t be massive operations by Team Red, Team Russki, and Team Useful Idiot to get you to waste it. In the Presidential Election, one of two people will take the Oath of Office next January: Kamala Harris, or Donald Trump. One of them will be another wishy-washy pseudo-Liberal with a long history of toeing the line of American ‘best practice’, who will continue to support Israel, favour corporations when they think they can get away with it, do more lip service to progressive causes than actual action, and use the other party’s bad behaviour as cover for their own. The other will be a hard-core Conservative who will take pride in tearing down Progressive ideals, who will reverse the gains Women, Gays, Minorities, and Transgendered People have made over the past 20 years, who will expel the very Muslims that are complaining about Palestine, who will reset the American ‘best practice’ into something that more resembles North Korea or Russia, who will shut down any criticism of the new normal as ‘woke’, and who has an action plan set to go DAY ONE if he wins that will make this country into a Conservative Nightmare.

          Third Parties can’t win. Period. You’d literally have to convince every single Democrat to vote for Jill Stein world wide to get Stein in office with how bitterly divided this country is. Miss 25k voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and Kamala Harris would be a spoiler for Jill Stein. I know this. You know this. Team Red knows this. Team Russki knows this. Team Useful Idiot knows this. Hell, Mr. Berserker here knows this. Between our antiquated Electoral College and our equally antiquated First Past the Post, NOWHERE in the USA, even Maine and Alaska, is it safe to split your vote. And the consequences for getting this wrong are so high. We warned you in 2016 that if you didn’t hold your nose and vote Clinton, we’d find out how bad Trump really is. Look at 2017 through 2020. Remember the anguish of watching Trump win and the utter Chaos Clown Show that ensued. It was fucking Halloween those entire 4 years, and let’s get frank, Biden’s struggles were directly because of that 4 year Chaos Clown Carnival.

          And the Head Chaos Clown himself is back. And much like 2016, the usual suspects are out en force to shove their BS that you shouldn’t pick the lesser evil. Don’t buy the bullshit. Listen to us. You didn’t listen to us (well, them because I was one of you and stayed home after buying Nader’s bullshit about Both Sides Bad…) in 2000 and look what happened. The Afghanistan debacle, the Iraq mistake, Katrina, and one hell of an economic recession laid at the Cowboy Dunce’s feet. You didn’t listen to us in 2016, and look what happened. Scratching Climate Change from the government records, utter chaos, the Afghanistan retreat debacle (this is on Trump, Biden just followed the agreed upon plan on the notion that ripping the bandaid off was a good idea), the completely chaotic mishandling of the pandemic including firing the pandemic team ahead of time, and the resulting economic malaise, and the constant Chaos Clown Circus. Don’t make those mistakes again. Because Trump has promised us it will be worse this time.

          If you live in Maine or Alaska, you can pick Third Party candidates for everything but President. The Electoral College still requires you to pick Harris if you don’t want Trump. But everything below? Your vote for the Green or Socialist or Constitution or Libertarian candidate won’t result in the Chaos Clown getting in as long as you mark the Democrat above the Republican in your ranking. Hell, mark the Libertarian, Green, and/or Socialist above the Dem on your ballot, as long as the Dem is marked above the Rep in your ranking. That’ll ensure the Chaos Clown Circus is not allowed to set up in 2025.

          Thanks for reading!

          • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
            17 days ago

            They deliberately misread a statement that I think this poster will disappear after election day,

            I’ll save your statement, friend. Will you apologize after you find out that I’ll keep posting here and to other communities? Because I’m not going anywhere. Regardless of how mad you are.

            • TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
              17 days ago

              Nah, I’ll just tell you you’ve got a weird obsession if Harris wins, and rightfully point out that you led us to getting Project 2025 with your dumb vote if Trump wins.

              • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
                17 days ago

                But wait, you said said you think I will disappear after election day. What did you mean by that?

                And now you’re saying I won’t. Hmmm, what did you originally mean?

                And my single vote is why Trump would win? Really?! If I really wanted him to win, wouldn’t I just vote for him directly rather than vote for a third party?!

                • TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
                  17 days ago

                  I do think you’ll disappear after election day. If you’re smart and you lose, you should disappear after election day, because we will point out once again, that like the past 59 elections, Third Parties won zip and accomplished zip. But I see you’re looking forward to proving me wrong, and all you have to do is like tag me or some such shit, at which point, I’ll call you a loser and/or a jerk and be done with it, even if the mods remove that post. You see, Mr. IMMA VOTE THIRD PARTY HUR!, my job is to only counter your bull until the election. Once it’s done, I’m done with you, at least until the next election comes up and you start doing Putin’s and Trump’s (or whoever replaces him, hopefully) again. I could literally block you the day after the election and nothing of value would be lost at that point. The only reason I entertain you now is I don’t want anyone buying your bullcrap here. Debunking your constant spew is a full time job, though, which is why I don’t respond to everything you post.

                  Oh yeah, and I forgot to address the Trump thing. You see, if all you did was vote Third Party, I couldn’t actually call you out because that would be your little secret. But you’re not just planning to vote Third Party. You’re here and presumably other places literally spewing out one post ever 18 or so minutes day in and day out screaming how Third Parties are good. Your third party vote is roughly 1/20,000 of the end result in a swing state. But peddling the BS that you can vote Third Party without concern? That could convince a lot of people. I’m trying to do my part to counter (not shut down, counter) your bull so that people in a close swing state won’t subject everyone in this country, including my Black bisexual pagan goth wife, to Project 2025…

                  I will never be friends with people who want to subject me and people I care about to Project 2025…

                  • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.worldOP
                    17 days ago

                    I do think you’ll disappear after election day

                    So now you’re back to saying I’ll disappear after election day. Man, you are changing your mind a lot!

                    You see, Mr. IMMA VOTE THIRD PARTY HUR!, my job is to only counter your bull until the election.

                    Riiiggghht…Ok…Yeah. I really believe that’s your goal. Ok.

                    The only reason I entertain you now is I don’t want anyone buying your bullcrap here.

                    So you think I have sway over Lemmy voters? Hmmm…