Elon Musk’s FSD v12 demo includes a near miss at a red light and doxxing Mark Zuckerberg — 45-minute video was meant to demonstrate v12 of Tesla’s Full Self-Driving but ended up being a list of thi…::Elon Musk posted a 45-minute live demonstration of v12 of Tesla’s Full Self-Driving feature. During the video, Musk has to take control of the vehicle after it nearly runs a red light. He also doxxes Mark Zuckerberg.

  • batmaniam@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Fun conversation.

    I don’t think the statistics resolve the issue though. At the end of the day, you can’t give something agency without accountability. I guess it’s similar to a well behaved dog at a park that loses it and eats an old man or something. The statistics only matter so much: the owner introduced an unpredictable element with it’s own agency, you can’t hold a dog accountable so the owner inherits that responsibility.

    When I drive, I do accept a risk, but I do so knowing there are a set of rules everyone is following to minimize that risk, and that there’s accountability should someone choose not to follow them. I guess what I’m saying is that an autonomous vehicle reducing my risk by 3x, 100x, 1000x, doesn’t change the accountability for a single instance in which it got it wrong. Not when we’re talking about it knowingly and intentionally violating established traffic laws. That’s like saying a highly trained race car driver get’s off the hook for hitting someone while driving way to fast in public because, statistically, they’re actually much less of a risk to the public than most drivers.

    This is all assuming, by the way, that we’re talking about a well tested, well understood system. I think having vehicles on the road right now which are advertised as “full self driving”, when there are known issues, make a whole group of people of people directly responsible for any deaths that occur.