• Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    There has been this narrative of “Gamers won’t accept buggy releases” since the 00s when coverage of games began to extend past the review (because prior to that: Reviewers expected games to be broken in pre-release and never talked about it after).

    Its a load of nonsense and always has been. Because, as you yourself justified it

    . Games that get away with it usually have some saving grace, like Jedi Survivor being playable but having unplayable performance on PC.


    they actually stick to these games for a long time

    Which is the real thing. It doesn’t matter how buggy a release is. What matters is how much people like the company behind it.

    Which, like I said, is kind of the secret to Battlebit. It had a MASSIVE launch because… Battlefield is fun as hell and different types of FPS players/streamers can still migrate their skills over. But, because the Battlebit Devs are a small team and it “looks indie”, people cut it a lot of slack. Which, again, translates to acceptance.

    • EVERYONE hates EA so people who play those games are pissed off and at each other’s throats. Which makes for a really negative vibe and means any time you die, you get angry. I popped back in to BF4 a few months back and holy crap was everyone incredibly toxic… about a game they had been playing for ten years
    • A good middle ground is Warframe and Digital Extremes. The community has been getting increasingly angry at DE (in part because of influencers who are sick and tired of playing the game that made them financially viable), but you get those weird shifts of “Ha ha. Something broke and we are trapped on a loading screen in Railjack. Keep an eye out for Sevagoth” to “FUCKING DE BREAKS FUCKING BUGFRAME ALL THE TIME”. And that can be the difference between “ha ha, I hope I keep my drops” to “Well, I’m done for the night”
    • And then Battlebit where people are generally incredibly positive about the game… ableit often by being negative about BF (the bar is low). And that means that when you get downed, you start joking around on voice chat and get a feeling for who is old enough to remember Saving Private Ryan or Band of Brothers and who is probably too young to be playing the game at all. But it means that you don’t care about getting killed by a sniper from a kilometer away after sprinting for three minutes since spawn because you have a grin on your face over someone pretending they are a 40k Commisar