If it was standard time during the summer months, Montreal sunrise would be 4:05AM and sunset at 7:45PM in June.
If Montreal remained in DST year round, sunrise would be at 8:30AM and set at 5:15PM in December.
If we remained on standard time, we’d have sunrise at 4:35AM and sunset at 8PM in Toronto.
If we had DST year round, sunrise would be 8:45AM and sunset would be at 5:40PM in Toronto.
I think Standard time sucks in the summer. And while I’d love to have more sunlight in the afternoon in the winter, I recognize that having sunrise only by 8:30-8:45AM is detrimental.
If it was standard time during the summer months, Montreal sunrise would be 4:05AM and sunset at 7:45PM in June.
If Montreal remained in DST year round, sunrise would be at 8:30AM and set at 5:15PM in December.
If we remained on standard time, we’d have sunrise at 4:35AM and sunset at 8PM in Toronto.
If we had DST year round, sunrise would be 8:45AM and sunset would be at 5:40PM in Toronto.
I think Standard time sucks in the summer. And while I’d love to have more sunlight in the afternoon in the winter, I recognize that having sunrise only by 8:30-8:45AM is detrimental.