Ron Hunter was repeatedly assaulted and sex-trafficked as a child. At 63, he’s telling his story – to protect others and heal himself

    1 year ago

    Anyone I know who left our troop, did so early after transitioning from cub scouts to boy scouts. Most had other commitments that required most of their time (sports mostly), or they didn’t find it “cool”. I didn’t care if it was “cool” at school or not so that point never bothered me. I managed playing 2 year round sports along with scouts and clubs, but totally understand not wanting to make that commitment and deciding to drop scouts. I loved the camping trips, cool merit badges, and high adventure opportunities it provided (like Philmont Ranch).

    You seem to have a very different perception of scouting (which obviously could come from the way your troop functioned vs. how my troop did for example), but my point is that you shouldn’t paint things with a broad brush. Again, I don’t share any of these same sentiments with you, but you speak like it’s absolute fact or that you know all intricacies of the situation. You simply do not, nor do I. I am sorry you had a poor experience.

    To your last point. I just texted 2 people who left my troop (we are still friends) and brought forward what you said. Only 1 has responded so far and said “LOL, it had nothing to do with “facism” wtf. I just didn’t really love it so I didn’t want to keep putting time into it.” So again to my point of not painting things with a broad brush…not everyone shares your experience of “the young fascists club”. In general, sweeping generalizations result in indefensible positions. It’s easy to find flaw in absolutist statements about large groups