This is not a conversation about guns. This is a conversation about items that have withstood abuse that are near unbreakable.

Some items I have heard referenced as AK47 of:

Gerber MP600: It’s a multi tool

Old Thinkpad Laptops

Mag lights

Toyota Hilux

  • Lorindó
    4 months ago

    Yes! I bought mine in 2004, it was the only proper steel string guitar that I could afford at the time. And it is a really good guitar. There has been zero need for any adjustments, the only replaced part (excluding strings, of course) is a single tuning peg. I was drunk and slipped while I was playing, the guitar hit the floor first but miraculously there was no other damage.

    A friend of mine was a guitar tech/roadie for Dio and Metallica in his youth and when he tried the F310 his opinion was that “This isn’t a bad guitar at all, actually it sounds a lot like my own Martin back home. You really might want to hold on to this one.”