• febra@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I’ve lived here, in Germany, for so long, and for a huge chunk of that time I have been disillusioned with the idea that Germany is actually striving to be better, to work out its past, and to open up the way for a better future. I’ve fallen prey to this veneer of humanity.

    Israel’s ongoing genocide in Palestine, with full flag-waving German support has completely made that illusion crumble to the ground. Many dead children and other innocent civilians on my timeline later, many history books later, I managed to undo the programming that the German civil society managed to drill into my head. The superiority, virtue signalling, and obedience with which German society follows the state line, with the help of state funded media, and punishes anyone willing to walk out of line has made me feel unsafe. This comes from someone that has lost family members during the Holocaust, enabled by the same kind of obedience and sense of superiority, with full media support, as seen today. Not that I’d need to justify my feelings with the history of my family, but in Germany that is necessary in order to be taken seriously.

    The fact that Germany never made those that killed my family pay for their crimes. Their grandchildren sitting in the German parliament, living off of Nazi wealth hoarded by their Nazi grandparents, often from slave labor. The amount of Nazis that were still present all throughout the government, including in high ranking government positions (Theodor Oberländer), and authoritative state institutions after the end of the war. The complicity of the state to hide the ugly truth. The amount of hate thrown around at a new scapegoat: queers, immigrants, and so on. The virtue signalling of our government, the “feminist foreign policy” while traveling to Qatar and Azerbaijan to beg for gas, while also deporting people to Taliban controlled Afghanistan.

    Germany has never worked out its past. It just created a sort of smokescreen to continue business as usual while fooling everyone that it is better, that it somehow got rid of the same kind of fundamental way thinking that enabled the Nazis to get to power in the 1930s. Now we’re standing before the next elections, and the next Nazis are more than likely to come in first or second place, but this time at least they’re not targeting Jews, since all Jews are seen as an extension of Israel, and the new Nazis love Israel.

    Meanwhile the rest of the victims of the Holocaust, the antizionist Jews, the Roma and Sintis, the queer community, the disabled, the communists, all get sidelined by the so called “Staatsräson”, which is Israel.

    Nowadays I’m looking to get the hell out of this hole.

    This article is just yet another show of Germany’s superiority complex. Germany wants to be the new Israel. Germans want to be the new Jews. In their opinion, they have more authority to speak on the Holocaust and antisemitism than the victims of the Holocaust themselves.