Do you keep everything in “downloads” or have file trees 100 folders deep?

    3 months ago

    At this point, with the sheer amount of data, I’ve structured things based on individual drives. All of my devices have the onboard SSD. Call me old fashioned, but I still partition that one into two drives, one containing the Windows stuff and the essential 3rd party software, and a second partition which contains games, downloaded media, miscellaneous software, generally the stuff I use more frequently, but isn’t vital. It’s also where I store all downloads to keep the Windows partition clean and separate.

    As for my external drives, I have one which I keep stuffed with game installs, and a second one which serves as my media library drive - music, movies, etc.

    In terms of folder structures, I either use the default ones which come with Steam, for instance, or I keep it as simple as humanly possible (eg. Music > Artist > Album). Downloads are lumped in a single folder labeled, wherein I may make subfolders for mass downloads of mods and such. Otherwise, Search & pray! With indexing turned off, because I like to hurt myself!