Somehow this is the only country on earth where this seems to happen. When talking about shootings involving guns, okay, fine, the US is certainly an outlier there, but every country has cars and police.

This is murder.

    1 year ago

    Okay, question: are you okay with police shooting the mentally ill when they’re having some episode? That, instead of controlling the situation and making sure that everyone gets out safely?

    And if you’re not, then why are you okay with them shooting a pregnant woman that likely got scared after they drew their weapons on her?

      1 year ago

      Did I say i thought this whole thing was ok?

      Did I not explicitly say, multiple times. They shouldn’t have had weapons drawn?

      What you’re being caught up on. Is her choosing to run an officer down and then be like woah… they shot for that?

      This woman was for all we know. Sane. She would have known that if you try to run over a cop. They’re going to shoot you. Even if everything that lead up to that was the police mistake. She sealed her fate on her own with her last action. The police was wrong for handling the situation poorly. She was wrong for trying to run them over.

      Let me put it this way for you. Think this sums up my feelings towards the situation:

      I know that a semi-truck is supposed to, by law. Stop for me at a pedestrian crossing without lights. I have the right of way. That doesn’t mean I’m just gonna go for it without looking. Because I don’t want to die.

      Is it the trucks fault for plowing through a pedestrian crossing and not seeing me? Yes.

      Could I have also done something to prevent the situation? Yes.

      I would say it’s mostly my fault for not looking before crossing. Because I’m a fully functioning adult that knows i should look before crossing. I’m the one getting hurt by my own action.

        1 year ago

        If I’m in a car and there is a guy standing with a gun drawn and pointed at me… I might get scared and flee. That is not crazy, that is human behaviour.

        If a police officer is stupid enough to stand in front of a car it kinda shoes his education and training level. Non existent. That is the entire problem.

        Blame this woman all you want. I don’t know of she stole from the store or not but it’s irrelevant. She was shot because she was suspected of shoplifting. The woman and these police officers made all this happen together. The only difference is that the police officers are supposed to know better, they are supposed to know how to do their job, how to deescalate and they didn’t.

        The second they drew their guns they were wrong, they were escalating the situation. They could kmhave kept their guns holstered as they were in no danger. The girl got scared and wanted to run off. LET HER. you can catch her later, it’s not as if she was a criminal mastermind. She did not deserve to die because of this

          1 year ago

          I really don’t have anything more to add. You can stop strawmanning this into oblivion with statements I’ve already said I agree with.

          I never said she deserved to die. I never said they were right to draw weapons. So I’m not sure why you keep pushing those points. For the 8:th time now. I agree.

          I blame the cops for escalating the situation. I blame the woman for her last action of trying to run them over.

          Two wrongs does not make a right.

          If you see it differently that’s ok. But don’t go putting words into my mouth I never once said or hinted at.

            1 year ago

            I’m not sure what words I was putting in your mouth but from what you’re saying er pretty much agree.

            The woman may be a criminal (or not) and yeah, she should not have tried to escape though maybe she panicked with the guns, who knows. The police officers are very much in the wrong, they should not have been standing in front of the car, they should not have drawn their guns, they should have deescalated the situation.