Climate warming, far right rising, democracy eroding, huges setbacks un humain rights, hate crimes exploding, biodiversity dying, activism more ans more criminalized, etc…it seem society is living its last moments, and doomerism looks like the only rational option. So what prevent you from being a doomer despite all of this ?
My coping mechanism:
Block/filter out the news!
(Except for positive/uplifting news)
It does wonders for your mental health!
Most news sources are for-profit,
and they did some research,
apparently depressing news draws more attention / clicks, which results into more profit for them, but it isn’t good for your mental health.
Other news sources just drive an hidden agenda, and aim to manipulate you to believe whatever the rich guy that owns the news site wants.
Also, try to have fun while humanity is sliding down in the background!
Whether you’re depressed or acknowledge and then ignore the facts, will have zero impact on the final outcome which will apply to the whole world.
So might as well aim to be happy in the meantime :)