From what I’ve seen in the videos, when the cops say “get out of the car”, “get down on your knees” or “put down the gun”, people either unresponsive or swear and refuse.

What’s the reason for this? In a place where the police have so much power, why don’t people care?

Update: I triggered people somehow. I’m not from US. I didn’t want to blame people. I apologize for asking a question about a subject that I don’t know. Won’t happen again.

    1 year ago
    1. They’re not going to show you completely routine stops that involve nothing more than exchange of paperwork
    2. They’re not going to show you minimally confrontational stops where people politely comply
    3. Often, such commands are preceded by a series of events that’s elevated everyone’s stress level and reduced rational thinking
    4. Fear of abuse/arrest
    5. Drugs
    6. Mental health
    7. A bunch of stuff that other helpful lemmings will point out.