You have to laugh … I remember Glastonbury, up to my knees in mud - it’s all part of the fun. Having said that, it’s unlikely turn into a survival situation in a field in Somerset, so not really that comparable …

  • While I agree with this, I think the festival is big enough that they need to start considering improving the roads. Even just slapping down some plywood sheets where the roads are would probably be better than what’s currently going on. This time it sounds like everyone’s gonna be fine, but what about next time?

      1 year ago

      Did a quick google. Can’t tell if the unpaved rural road is the full 10 miles, more, or less. But even at just one or two miles, that is a LOT of “plywood” that more or less is only usable once before being ruined by the time it is required next year. Let alone if you have dumbasses in overly heavy vehicles (and you would never have that in the US…) who break the plywood and render the road even more unusable.

      As for paving? Sorry, but fuck that. So much infrastructure is underfunded and needs work that I don’t want a single tax dollar wasted on a road that is pretty much used twice a year.

      I am a climber and enjoy going camping. I spend a LOT of time on unpaved roads and the like. Guess what the first thing we do before heading out the door on a trip is? Check the weather. Guess what the last thing we do before leaving the supply town is? Check the weather. And guess what we do “at some point in the day” on every day of the trip? Check the weather.

      And if at any point in the trip the weather looks dangerous? We go home (or find somewhere else nearby we can do stupid shit at).

      But, because this is Radically Inclusive ™: It is the government’s job to protect these rich assholes