How does it work that we eat few times a day, but usually we poop only once?
Is the colon somehow programmed to buffer the waste until the time is up and then dumps it all further?
Got this thought when observing my dog who eats twice a day (morning and evening) and more or less poops twice a day (morning and evening).
Because we are taught by society to not poop at work.
Naturally we poop way more often, and naturally we ate more often too.
LOL I must have been sick at home during that lesson…
We live in a society
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why I shit on company time
If only the inequality gap were this small…
Boss make a grand, I make a buck, that’s why I’m stealing the catalytic converter off the company truck.
Well played!
Elmo boogieing on the potty is what I see in my head
Thats the one!
You should always poop at work… getting paid to poop is optimal!
The best 45 minutes of my fuckin’ life
Society must have taught me poorly because I poop at work as frequently as my body tells me to