Every month, we post an update on the happenings of the instance, as well as provide a sort of town square to share news and happenings in your own life.

With January comes a new year, and this time even a new quarter-century! While the last year brought with it many things to grumble about (to put it mildly), this new year brings new hopes as well; China’s emissions could peak this year due to solar installations being constructed at an unprecedented scale, The fall of Assad’s regime may bring a reprieve for Rojava, Unions are forming and growing at a rate we haven’t seen in decades across the globe, and mutual aid organizations are experiencing an influx of new people looking to help due to recent events.

So let us face this new year together, and continue to build up, piece by piece and no matter how small, the world we want to live in.

📡 Technical updates 📡

Not much to report for technical updates, other that we updated to Lemmy version 0.19.8 last month. For the coming month we plan an update to our Movim enabling so called “stories”, a form of time limited micro-blog popular on some other messengers.

Due to various reasons, we didn’t finish the prototype donation page yet, but it will be available soon. Due to the high amount of submissions we also did not yet hear back from Nlnet if our grant application for adding GNU Taler donation support has been successful or not.

⚡Solar-powered servers ☀️

Last month has been again rather rainy and cold at out server location, therefore only 41% of the total electricity needs could be covered by the solar panels we installed in early October. The average over the last three months was 50%, which isn’t too bad considering that these were all unusually rainy winter months. The additional grid-power was mostly wind and geothermal energy. It should be noted that these figures include the total electricity usage on the site, not only those strictly for the server that this Lemmy instance runs on.

🗣️ Open Discussion 🗪

Remember, this post is also a place for you! If you have something to share, a new community to show off, a thought about the instance, or a story to tell, then please do tell!

Happy New Year, everyone.

  • Fisherman75@slrpnk.net
    2 months ago

    There’s a lot of environmental problems with all that that aren’t being solved and at least are worth talking about somewhere like a Peak Oil discussion community. The mining of minerals for solar panels for instance. Or the continuing inability to dispose sustainably of used batteries. And red states aren’t really transitioning to alternative energy, and may sour to alternative energy and reverse it. A fascist-dominated republican federal government may sabotage alternative energy in blue states. There’s also the wear and tear issue of alternative energy systems - they have to be repaired with components that are themselves manufactured with materials continually mined from the finite supply somewhere in the world which itself causes environmental destruction. And there are many problems with EVs. How weird that none of this is still being discussed in one place on here.

    • jkintree@slrpnk.net
      2 months ago

      I’ll just address one point, the mining of minerals for solar panels. The lifetime for solar panels is at least 20 years. As soon as fossil fuels are burned, more fossil fuels need to be mined. First Solar claims to already have technology for recycling their panels that recovers 90% of the materials.

      Points and responses like this are probably being repeated many times in different social and news media as well as in everyday conversations. IMHO, a top priority for humanity is building a global platform to merge these various forums, fact check and deduplicate claims, and aggregate sentiment expressed towards proposed solutions, to strengthen the signal out of all of the noise. This platform could become a form of collective terrestrial intelligence, which is desperately needed.

      • keepthepace@slrpnk.net
        2 months ago

        I’ll also add that a lot of the discourse around mineral scarcity often come from a misunderstanding of the various definitions of “reserves” used by geologists. There is no non-fossil mineral that is in any way geologically scarce right now (though an argument could be made for some radioactive isotopes and helium). Most “known reserves” of minerals are in the 20-80 years range and have been for a century. Miners don’t find prospection profitable when there are decades of known ressources identified.