A genie appears before you and says you must choose to be very physically attractive, but slightly below average intelligence, or very intelligent, but slightly below average attractiveness? Which would you choose, and why?
I am already both, so I would tell that genie to EAT ITTTT
If I’m very smart, I could just use my intelligence to make money and then get beauty surgery.
That’s not how any of that works.
I think being intelligent gets you better jobs and more money sooo 🤷
Being intelligent doesn’t let you bypass rules one and two, or at least rule two for jobs specifically.
- Be handsome
- Be attractive
- Don’t be unattractive?
Your 2 and 3 are my 1 and 2
Sorry, no, that’s not how it works, not at all.
Smart, being beautiful would just get attention from boring people
But if you’re not smart then those would be your people.
I don’t want to be boring
Ignorance is bliss.
Hello beautiful.
I’m studying engineering, so i’ll take smarts, we all know that anyone in this field ends up bald by some mystical force anyways
Too real. In the middle stages of my career I am fighting a losing battle against this plight.
I mean slightly below average is not bad attractiveness wise. Less hassel to some degree, especially if your a woman. below average intelligence though can really hamstring you. Intelligence all the way. Doesn’t say gorgeous though or genius. sounds to me like I would basically be asking for the genie to do nothing based on my academic achievements and dating lack of achievements.
Being both already I would tell said genie to take a hike.
I can work on my intelligence but I can’t work on my genetics. So, if take physical attractiveness.
Beautiful, being smart would just get attention from boring people
The only people you fool are other stupid people though.
That’s cool though, there’s so many of us that you’ll never run out of fools to dupe.
Why am I forced to downgrade if it’s a genie wish?
It’s an ifrit
Sometimes it do be like that.