A couple of years ago, my friend wanted to learn programming, so I was giving her a hand with resources and reviewing her code. She got to the part on adding code comments, and wrote the now-infamous line,
i = i + 1 #this increments i
We’ve all written superflouous comments, especially as beginners. And it’s not even really funny, but for whatever reason, somehow we both remember this specific line years later and laugh at it together.
Years later (this week), to poke fun, I started writing sillier and sillier ways to increment i
Beginner level:
# this increments i:
x = i
x = x + int(True)
i = x
Beginner++ level:
# this increments i:
def increment(val):
for i in range(val+1):
output = i + 1
return output
Intermediate level:
# this increments i:
class NumIncrementor:
def __init__(self, initial_num):
self.internal_num = initial_num
def increment_number(self):
incremented_number = 0
# we add 1 each iteration for indexing reasons
for i in list(range(self.internal_num)) + [len(range(self.internal_num))]:
incremented_number = i + 1 # fix obo error by incrementing i. I won't use recursion, I won't use recursion, I won't use recursion
self.internal_num = incremented_number
def get_incremented_number(self):
return self.internal_num
i = input("Enter a number:")
incrementor = NumIncrementor(i)
i = incrementor.get_incremented_number()
Since I’m obviously very bored, I thought I’d hear your take on the “best” way to increment an int in your language of choice - I don’t think my code is quite expert-level enough. Consider it a sort of advent of code challenge? Any code which does not contain the comment “this increments i:” will produce a compile error and fail to run.
No AI code pls. That’s no fun.
Everything is easier in PHP!
<?php /** * This increments $i * * @param int $i The number to increment. * * @return int The incremented number. */ function increment(int $i) { $factor = 1; $adjustment = 0; if ($i < 0) { $factor *= -1; $adjustment = increment(increment($adjustment)); } $i *= $factor; $a = array_fill(1, $i, 'not_i'); if ($i === 0) { array_push($a, 'not_i'); } array_push($a, $i); return array_search($i, $a, true) * $factor + $adjustment; }