It also assumes that assaults only happen across genders and not within, which is either very narrow-minded or willfully obstinate.
Ya know I’ve actually sat down and talked with my cisfriends on how they feel about the whole thing, way way back when the bathroom scares started… One thing they brought up that I didn’t even think about was “Do these Republicans not know that lesbians exist?”
Do these Republicans not know that lesbians exist?
Of course they do, they were using the exact same talking points against (cis) gay people before that proved to be unviable at the time, and they’ll drag the culture war back to that front if they get what they want with regard to suppressing trans people’s rights to exist as members of society.
Ya know I’ve actually sat down and talked with my cisfriends on how they feel about the whole thing, way way back when the bathroom scares started… One thing they brought up that I didn’t even think about was “Do these Republicans not know that lesbians exist?”
Of course they do, they were using the exact same talking points against (cis) gay people before that proved to be unviable at the time, and they’ll drag the culture war back to that front if they get what they want with regard to suppressing trans people’s rights to exist as members of society.