LGBTQ+ rights in the work force. I think I’m one of the few individuals who don’t prioritize their LGBTQ orientation as my identity into my jobs. I know that people getting fired over their identity is an issue, but it’s something that doesn’t affect me because I don’t parade my identity. I don’t feel it is my job’s business to know it either, I go to work, do the work, they pay me to do the work and that’s the bottom line of our relationship, period.

We don’t need to complicate things because I’m X identity and they need to get into Y politics over it.

    2 months ago

    My homie. If you’re having to do anything other than be open and honest about who you are, you are being affected by it.

    This whole idea of not “parading” is bullshit. Why? Because us cis-hetero folks parade our identity all day every day. It’s engrained into everything. Pictures of family in cubicles, taking days off to do with the wife and/or kids to the doctor, all those little things that add up to being out as a cis-hetero person.

    Being able to just go to work and do your job without fear of consequences just for being under the LGBTQ rainbow is, and should be, an expected right. Period. Doesn’t matter if you’re wearing your pride lapel pin, or are hunkered down and avoiding anything that isn’t purely work related, we should all have expectation that just being us is a right.

    Until that right is so perfectly reliable that it never happens that someone gets fired for being gay, or trans, or non binary, or bi, or whatever else is on the list, then all of us are affected by that issue, including us cis-hetero folks. Any infringement on that right to you, or anyone else is an infringement on me as well.

    Doesn’t matter if I never experience racism directed at me, the effects of it are felt in one way or another eventually. My pale cracker ass may never have the life ground out of me by a cop on my back, but the fact that it can happen to anyone is still a problem. And not just in the “oh, that sucks” way. In the way that when a society is structured where such things occur to one group, it will eventually happen to others.

    It isn’t if, it’s when. A cis-hetero white male might be the very last target, and a rich one the very last of those, but make no mistake that oppression spreads. There’s always going to be the next group that’s a problem to whoever is wielding the most power. And there’s always going to be those willing to participate in making sure those wielders keep their power, for just the trickle off the dick of those power mongers.

    I genuinely can’t think of a single form of oppression, bigotry, or just general purpose othering that doesn’t affect everyone in some way.