In an unexpected mask off, “secure” email and VPN provider Proton took the stance of siding with the fascist MAGA Reps. Proton’s services are no option for me and many others any longer. Let’s collect and discuss alternatives (E2E encrypted email and VPN) here 🔐👇
Always try to provide: -Server location (jurisdiction) -Governance -Integrity/trustworthiness/transparency -User experience/ease of use (grade 1 to 10, lets take Proton as a benchmark with an 8) -Pricing and links
If you knowalternatives setups, feel free to share, too.
Whatever you choose, remember that ease of migration is important. So for email buy your own domain name and use a service like that allows custom domains and full IMAP access.
As far as I can tell from posteo’s own FAQ site, they do not allow custom domains. I’d really consider swithcing to them otherwise. Do you use posteo?
Woops I think I was thinking of who does support domains.
Fair mistake to make, they have a very similar colour scheme I can see. Happy to hear of yet another mail provider to consider, I want to hear about as many as possible; I want to make the right choice
Yeah I get them confused constantly hah.
At least with your own domain name and IMAP, changing email providers is pretty quick and easy.
I literally just asked their support about this last year and they confirmed they intentionally don’t offer this option.