Biden leaves behind a complicated legacy of legislative wins and economic gains, along with a trail of fractured relationships and grievances within his own party.
““The Joe Biden story is one of the great tragedies of American politics. I really mean that. He should be having a glorious, well deserved, highly acclaimed retirement. And he’s not,” veteran Democratic political strategist James Carville said”
Its a bigger tragedy that James Carville still gets quoted in the last 20 years. He should be selling used cars in New Jersey.
Yeah, no. Biden was a Reagan Democrat, opposed to school integration and especially busing, when he came in. He was one of the main authors of the Patriot Act. He’s long pushed the lie that Social Security has an irreparable funding crisis (try lifting the cap, genius), he’s never been worth a shit at resisting intrusive spying by tech companies, and his foreign policy might as well be refried Kissinger war crimes. And his appointees? Garland, worse than useless. Blinken, an empty suit. He couldn’t be bothered to remove that saboteur DeJoy from the Post Office. At least the FCC Commissioner was all right.
But I’d still prefer a blithering mediocrity to the cancer that is Trump.
““The Joe Biden story is one of the great tragedies of American politics. I really mean that. He should be having a glorious, well deserved, highly acclaimed retirement. And he’s not,” veteran Democratic political strategist James Carville said”
Its a bigger tragedy that James Carville still gets quoted in the last 20 years. He should be selling used cars in New Jersey.
Yeah, no. Biden was a Reagan Democrat, opposed to school integration and especially busing, when he came in. He was one of the main authors of the Patriot Act. He’s long pushed the lie that Social Security has an irreparable funding crisis (try lifting the cap, genius), he’s never been worth a shit at resisting intrusive spying by tech companies, and his foreign policy might as well be refried Kissinger war crimes. And his appointees? Garland, worse than useless. Blinken, an empty suit. He couldn’t be bothered to remove that saboteur DeJoy from the Post Office. At least the FCC Commissioner was all right.
But I’d still prefer a blithering mediocrity to the cancer that is Trump.