• Allero@lemmy.today
    1 month ago

    I think focusing on feminism as the sole antisexist movement is inherently extremely imbalanced, as feminism was not made with men in mind to begin with, and the best you can hope for is being a secondary supporter in what’s written by the women for the women.

    There was a good wave around a decade ago of feminists and masculists uniting to combat all forms of antisexism, in all directions. Men got more educated in womens’ issues, women got more educated in mens’, and people were genuinely attempting to resolve the complex issues that form on both sides while supporting each other.

    But then loud and proud feminism (as opposed to reasonable and equality-oriented one) came back again to destroy it. Whether it’s more contentious and thereby boosted by the algorithms of social media on which most of us feeds, or there was some genuine shift that initiated it, or both - but peace has yet again lost its place to a dictate, and the dictate caused a reaction - so now instead of feminists and masculists working together we have feminists trying to impose their view on men (of which I suspect this place as well), and radicalized young men saying “fuck it, we’re not heard and we’ll make ourselves heard”, which roughly translates into “we ignore what harms patriarchy does us and are set for revenge through it, not realizing we’re just diving deeper into the mud pile”.