I didn’t mean for this post to cause a bunch of arguing in the comments =(
I thought this was just some gallows humor (e.g. “Everything’s lovely except that I have to fear for my safety all the time”) type of shitpost that sounded similar to comments I’ve heard from women irl a lot.
Every male animal that works or lives in close contact with humans has it’s testicles removed so it calms down and stops causing problems.
Except the human animal of course, because they’re the ones running the show and they’d have issues with removing their balls.
God forbid we have MEN be treated as ordinary people.
Should the government have official eunuchs just like the Chinese did actually
You know we could fix a lot of shit by having trump cut his balls off
Why are you interpreting this as a personal attack? So fragile
You know we could fix a lot of shit by having trump cut his balls off
Not so sure, Hitler only had one. If the correlation goes any direction it seems less balls = more evil, maybe we need to add a few more?
So, at what age are you proposing this to be done? Would you be proposing the reversible version of a vasectomy? Who decides if its allowed to be reversed? Are you advocating for a worldwide birth decline, because most men would rather have the sex without the burden/scare of pregnancy anyway, so if they were forced to do it why would they undo it? Are you prepared for the christian-ethno state to form when the only people having kids will be the ultra-religious who believe in a stupid fucking sky daddy who tells them to have 60 billion children? Did you consider ANY of that before writing this stupid fucking comment that compares getting your cat neutered so he doesnt piss on the Furniture to getting human males neutered so they dont… kill someone in an allyway??
Oh my god you’re right. What a fool I’ve been advocating that we geld humans like farm animals and I never considered the dystopian implications of that. Thank you for showing me the light, brother 🙏
What the fuck are you on?
I smoke a lot of weed, but at least my masculinity is rock solid enough that I dont interrupt an observation as a personal attack.
It’s okay everyone, no one is coming for your balls. Just take a deep breath till you calm down.
First of all, I have 0 masculinity. Now, I might have interpreted your comment wrong, but it seems like you’re saying that all men should be castrated, and if that’s what you meant, you should be able to see that it’s fucked up.
Taking an observation as full throated advocacy is extremely online of you.
It’s incredible. You guys spent the good part of the last 8 years alienating the male voter
Then you lost the election, in part because of that.
And instead of reconsidering
You guys double down
It’s almost admirable, if it weren’t for the constant complaining about losing the election.
I mean if you are gonna do this, pushing away half of voters, then don’t be surprised you lose against JD Vance in 2028 elections
The stunlock is real, and it keeps on
First of all, I’m glad you found a way to make this political. Good on you.
Second of all, just like secure straight men don’t get violent when they’re accused of being gay, there should be no reason upstanding men should take it personally when women voice their concerns about other men.
I don’t. Why do you?
Why did you bring US politics into discussion?
According to pbs and wikipedia, 4% of the US male population voted for Kamala Harris less compared to women
This could have possibly affected the results of the 2024 US election if those 4% voted for Kamala Harris instead of Donald Trump, but that would ignore the effects of propaganda
they lost because they alienated the anti-genocide voter, not because of you insignificant dorks who take it personally when women express fear in a patriarchal society that’s overwhelmingly violent against them. you were never going to vote anything other than chud anyway.
it’s normal, or at least it used to be normal and even encouraged by men for women to be cautious about men because men make it dangerous out there. encouraged to carry mace, to only meet men for the first time in public places. for a lot of men this has been a social norm and it’s perfectly understood why. the ones who aren’t understanding this are the ones that women should be afraid of.
How is this not bigotry and discrimination toward a group of population?
I’ve seen the same post in far right groups just changing the word man by some racial slur. Same energy. And also same bigots trying to justify their intolerance with shitty stadistics.
If you see something like this and get angry at women, you have a problem.
At best it’s a problem with reading comprehension. At worst, you’re worried that things like this could get in the way of your murdering-women hobby.
Ah, misandry, my old friend.
ah yes misandry is when women don’t just shut up and accept disproportionate violence from men
Misandry is where you see men as the problem - nothing more or less. It’s easy to quote stats, it’s much harder to address the real issues underneath.
i don’t see men as the problem, i see patriarchy as the problem. patriarchy causes disproportionate violence from men. observing the consequences that stem from larger social issues and how they affect you personally doesn’t mean you deny the existence of the said issues. calling it misandry only serves to downplay the effects of those consequences and ultimately downplay the existence of their source.
Misandry is where you see men as the problem - nothing more or less.
Right, so literally nothing about the post you’re replying to. Cool.
Where is the mention of the victim’s gender in this meme? If there was a man in a picture, not a woman, do you think the text would be less true? Do you feel comfortable walking somewhere at night when some strange man starts walking up to you? I sure as hell don’t despite my possession of a penis.
I mean, if I were to throw out lines such as “if only women didn’t demand so much”, I’d be guilty of misogyny regardless of who I implied the demand was levied against.
The misandry here is “men love to commit murder”, not the implication of who is murdered.
Yes, if you divorce part of a sentence from the context in which it was placed, it does become bigoted.
I assume you don’t think this person means every time they have ever walked anywhere at night in their entire life when they talk about night walks, but you assume this person means every single man. It shouldn’t be necessary to have that explained to you.
Also, you don’t seem to understand the difference between punching up and punching down.
On 196 they love pictures of women punching men. But post the opposite and instaban.
Correct. Is there a problem??? 💅💅💅
Violence is bad no matter what gender is doing what to whom. Is there a problem?
Edit: nevermind
I blame women.
For not murdering enough. The streets would be safer if men had the same fear.
Psychopaths can’t feel fear
I too support women in men-dominated fields
I blame women.
For not murdering enough. The streets would be safer if men had the same fear.
Men are killed more often. But men generally have less fear. We go boldly unto death.
who’s killing the men?
Victim blaming.
when you totally know what words mean
Predominantly other men. But that doesn’t make it ok.
Relax, David, you might get attacked or killed on your way back from work, but I don’t feel sympathy, because it’d probably be done by another man.
The reality is anybody can feel unsafe at night, and everyone is valid in thinking so. Women generally feel more threatened because, despite being far less likely to be targeted, they’re also far less likely to be able to resist their attacker, which is also very reasonable.
i didn’t say it makes it okay or that i’m not sympathetic. this thread is full of “but what about men tho” takes to discredit the fear women reasonably have of being attacked by men. they don’t have to worry about women nearly as much. the original post stands true regardless of whether or not men are also affected, which they are, and perhaps they should consider doing something about it instead of just dismissing the concern all together because it came from a woman.
That’s not being bold, that’s supression of risk assesment and reduction on consequence sensitivity. Brought on by testosterone.
I mean, most women probably have experience with cleaning up blood.
I wonder if that’s throwing off the statistics.
ive had 2 (and a half) nosebleeds this week, can confirm.
(I’m fine it’s just the dry+cold weather)Cold weather plus cocaine has that effect
Wow calling for the death of innocent people based on gender.
The fuck is wrong with Lemmy upvotng this.
I’m thinking more of a voluntary program.
That shadowm’n on her 1am walk is gonna get away if I’m with her and she ices me right there in the park 🫠 she’s allowed to do it. It happens all the time…
its a joke fella.
I blame women.
For not murdering enough
Don’t criticize if you haven’t murdered yet.
Come to Finland, safe to walk at night
That’s why you get a gun. Practice and be prepard to use. Don’t ever hesitate, someone tries to attack you, regardless of gender, they forfeit their right to life.
(Also get pepper spray in case you are in a dangerous situation, but its not enough to warrant a deadly response, then just fucking spray them, and run. If they chase after you, fucking shoot them.)
This advice goes for both men and women.
TLDR: Get pepper spray, and get a gun. Use them in that order.
I’m gonna miss being a cis gendered man sometimes.
Regurgitated bear meme is stale
lemmy.world mods finding out that they’ve cultivated a community of reddit incels:
When the Reddit 2.0 copies all the worst parts of Reddit: 🤯
Well when you scrape the top layer of reddit mold, which is comprised of the most politically and socially charged individuals, and put them in one place, this is to be expected.
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“feminazi” is literally incel terminology, and this thread is full of people spouting off literal incel rhetoric, but go off king
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what’s funny about this is that i didn’t call you an incel, you just assumed that when i said lemmy.world has cultivated a community of incels, that must include you (someone who isn’t even on their instance i might add)
i wonder why that is lmao
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oh no don’t get me wrong, i fully believe that you are also a massive fuckin’ incel, i just thought it was funny that i made you show your ass all on your own accord. 'cause deep down you know you fit the description.
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This from a user on an instance that’s known for their open villification of any opinion that goes against the moscow and beijing dictated groupthi–
Wait, wait hold on. Could it possibly be that we both have deeply subjective views of the other large instances, because humans fall to tribalism faster than a kitten on a sock full of catnip? Maybe there’s a vested interest on every side to keep the early adopters of a decentralized social media platform infighting over meaningless stereotypes based on the letters that come after their username, making value judgements based entirely on dictated preconceptions instead of experiential conclusions and honest interaction?
… nah, probably not. And besides, it’s way more fun to just sling mud. Screw u, u commie scuzbucket.
This from a user on an instance that’s known for having a large amounts of transphobic, homophobic, misogynist and racists users and a mod team that doesnt do the bare minimun to deal with them
… Then why are you here, participating with that which you revile?
because unfortunately lemmy.ml federates with lemmy.world. even if we were to block lemmy.world on an individual level, the toxicity and hate coming from it affects and influences users of other instances. better to push back against you dweebs whenever you try to incite misogynistic hate than just cover our ears and pretend you aren’t here fucking things up.
Oh good, we agree then. There’s a certain necessity to engage with opinions counter to our own instead of pretending they don’t exist, even if it’s personally uncomfortable to do so.
i counter them out of necessity, but ideally i’d rather the lemmy.world admins do that since that’s supposed to be what they’re for.
So you’d prefer the admins allow you to pretend they don’t exist? I know that’s not what you’re trying to say, but its not an unreasonable extrapolation of your position from the comments you’re making. You feel the need to fight for what you believe in because it’s right to stand up for what you believe in, but you would rather you didn’t have to. I think that’s probably the most universally agreeable statement I’ve ever heard, sincerely. I would, too, like for this to be the case. We just disagree on how to achieve that happy state of affairs, though it’s nice that neither of us prefers a solution like “round up all the .ml/.world users in a big camp” unlike, you know, real world opinions…
Where are you going where you see that much of it?
I’m the last one to defend a tankie… But go fuck yourself.
Could it possibly be that we both have deeply subjective views of the other large instances, because humans fall to tribalism faster than a kitten on a sock full of catnip?
nope, it’s because your instance is operated by people who refuse to moderate disinformation under some naive belief that enough debate bro-ing is all it takes to defeat it, failing to understand that the effort it takes to proliferate hate and disinformation is much smaller than the effort it takes to refute it. as such, lemmy.world is becoming overrun with some of the most toxic motherfuckers on the entire platform because all the sane people are being driven away.
Ah, a blanket denial of everything I said. How glad I am that I’m above petty things like pointing out the comically stereotypical behavior of users from other instances. It’s nice up here, on the Mountain of Sarcastic Moral Superiority.
As an actual counterpoint, the primary way that new users get onto lemmy is always going to have the highest concentration of toxic users. Society is, if you haven’t noticed, incredibly toxic. Commonly espoused ideas like trans people being human or civil rights being important aren’t commonly supported by society at large (source: the entire world right now). The easiest way for people who support those things to find their way to instances where those ideas are popularly held is to join the most popular instance and see both the need for other instances with heavier moderation, and what those instances are. How many people hear about blahaj or sh.itjust.works before signing up to lemmy, vs. sign up there as their second account? Personally, I’m pretty grateful that the most toxic opinions are largely self-segregated into a place where people aren’t required to interact with them. It’s less pleasant, sure, but it’s also the best place in the fediverse to get an accurate idea of what the real societal opinions are. And if it gets to be too much, I can always just flee .world (or .ml, I mean seriously guys) like a base coward and spend time under one of my alt accounts on a more heavily moderated instance like .blahaj instead.
that isn’t necessarily true though: you don’t see other popular instances of fediverse platforms having these problems when they actually put effort into enforcing rules that protect the community and discourage disinformation and hate speech, and it doesn’t make them any less of a gateway for new users.
the staff on lemmy.world promote disinformation, and that does not benefit any of us, especially when disinformation has a way of spreading that the separation of instances alone isn’t enough to prevent. most are still either directly federated to lemmy.world, or federated to instances that are federated to lemmy.world.
toxicity itself isn’t inherent to society but a consequence of how our current society is set up, and social media platforms that deliberately proliferate disinformation play a role in that. if you want to actually counter hate and disinformation the first step you should take is to stop outright encouraging it and fight it at the source.
also, implying people are cowards for wanting to flee your hate instance is despicable and privileged-ass take. fuck you.
also, implying people are cowards for wanting to flee your hate instance is despicable and privileged ass-take. fuck you.
That was pretty clearly self deprecating. Who in the hell calls someone else a ‘base coward’, anyways? For that matter, who would even take seriously being called a base coward? I think you might genuinely be treating everyone else as hostile as a means of self defense, which while understandable is in itself incredibly (edit: exhausting is a much better term) to interact with.
I have real comments here, along the lines of what you mean by promoting disinformation and the moderation standards you would prefer to see, because those are sincerely interesting. But come on, what’s the point in trying to have a discussion when you treat everything like an attack on you & yours? I’m not even trying to be hostile here.
it’s self-deprecating but has hostile implications toward the many users who really did leave to escape ill treatment toward them. marginalized people get enough of that in real life after all. i don’t think they should have to endure it at all, nor do i think it’s cowardly to want to avoid it. if i’m reading too much into this and that wasn’t your intention, i’m sorry. though i’m really not sure how else to interpret that.
when i say lemmy.world promotes disinformation, i’m referring to their recent announcement that they would require community moderators to entertain disinformation in the name of having open debate. they redacted that announcement following the backlash if i recall correctly, but it is nonetheless reflective of how they have been moderating things on their instance, which is apparent in threads like this one that stir the pot and bring out all the rabid misogynists that have been tolerated and continue to be tolerated on here. the lack of moderation toward these things aligns with what they stated in that announcement, that these are ideas we should be open and fair to.
the problem of course is that being open to disinformation alienates the marginalized people affected by it, harms the people who would be deceived by it, and only serves to benefit the people who would spread it. it’s a lot easier to fight disinformation and bigotry by stopping it at the source rather than letting it fester and then trying to take it down with debate. we all know how difficult it is to argue in good faith against those arguing in bad faith. it takes no time and no effort to just make something up, but more time and effort than most people even have the energy to give to refute it with fact-based evidence.
we’re in the midst of a social crisis with the rise of the incel movement and MRA influencers. those who follow these things are more emotionally invested in them than logically, and near impossible to get through to. you might be able to convince a few undecided readers if you put sufficient effort into your replies, but ultimately the spread of these movements are much faster than the handful of individuals who make an effort to stand against them. a lot of us just don’t even have the time. we need support from those who are in the position to actually take preventive measures against them.
SJW here and I just wandered in, but now I’m grabbing the popcorn and a seat
Wow these comments are a trash fire.
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For anyone wanting to see murders in USA in 2023