23 year old Irish non binary satanist
Please add a NSFW tag to this post. Please. Thank you
Knowing anime they’ll probably find some moronic way to sexualise it.
Those rich people have names and addresses. And they can be made examples of.
Honestly, this graph was able to make me understand why such a small country like the Netherlands was able to colonise the Netherlands
Despite getting three reports I won’t take action against Ulph. They don’t seem to be a troll. I don’t believe in removing proples comments just because they are morons
That’s it. You let the meme fester in your mind. Slowly, the more you think about it the funnier it gets. Coincidentally you’ll also have a much more difficult time preforming, communicating with others and reading. You will think about it more and it’ll get funnier. You will notice a punk slime dripping out of your ears and nose accompanied by a rotting smell emanating from your skull along with flies buzzing around your head. It will be at this point when you’ll truly understand and appreciate memes like this.
Not anymore if we let the woke left win. The motherfuckers will force me to wear the cat ears and eat grass. If the woke left wins all restaurants will be closed and replaced with plots of land where we can graze on for a allotted amount of time.
Is that why this post had 40 down votes?
I am pretty sure you can feel when you are about to cum regardless of circumcision status. That’s just how dicks Work. Ya know
I know a guy who knows Michael Scott and he said Michael Scott said this as well.
This guy was 17! Imagine being so young and convincing yourself that it’ll never happen for you. Crazy.
Just because they’re pirate doesn’t mean they don’t believe in sharing.
Secondary school was not very pleasant for me either
And why do you associate the car with freedom? Because marketing has made you associate cars with freedom. Its terrifying the amount of thoughts that are put in people’s head by advertising. Lots of those in marketing have psychology degrees.
Yeah. Keep in mind there is a cold war of sorts in the middle east with Iran and Saudi Arabia and because of that Palestinians have become a Iran coded issue meaning countries allied with Saudi Arabia aren’t taking on the cause anymore.
No, you clearly don’t know who you’re talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Sandy. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets a bubble blown in his face, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!
The funny thing is Varadkar is trying desperately to be a neutral as possible but the Israeli government is literally making it impossible. They are trying to get him to take a more hardline pro zionist stance but there’s very little zionist political power in Ireland. He knows he’ll lose lots of voters if he takes a zionist stance. Israel can’t do shit.
Yeah. Scientists say you can pet it. It only makes food disappear
It looks like he is lifting the desk up and shagging it while his victim looks on in horror. An ultimate expression of power.
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Is this post painfully unfunny: Yes Should this post be removed: No.