A simple question from an internet intellectual.
Because this is
:No, lenin was way more efficient at culling those who disagreed with him.
A simple question from an internet intellectual.
You got what you deserve.
Lemme explain my train of thought. I was programming late at night and suddenly a thought has occurred in my mind. GIT is GENIUS. It is SHAPING our MINDS. And then I realized that the Linus is the legendary father of modern software as Lenin was father of homo sovieticus. Linus in the same way will be embalmed after death and preserved and there will be pilgrimages of software developers from all over the world.
Lenin was a psychopathic mass murderer.
Linus is just mildly rude.
Wtf is this question?
Lemme explain my train of thought. I was programming late at night and suddenly a thought has occurred in my mind. GIT is GENIUS. It is SHAPING our MINDS. And then I realized that the Linus is the legendary father of modern software as Lenin was father of homo sovieticus. Linus in the same way will be embalmed after death and preserved and there will be pilgrimages of software developers from all over the world.
Is that clear enough?
Eh, git is good but it is not like he invented source control. Before git there were subversion and before that CVS, along with a lot of others (mostly pay to use).
Git does some things really good and has become more or less the de-facto standard, it does other things not so good (like binary files). But it is not unique.
Was this question randomly generated?
Lemme explain my train of thought. I was programming late at night and suddenly a thought has occurred in my mind. GIT is GENIUS. It is SHAPING our MINDS. And then I realized that the Linus is the legendary father of modern software as Lenin was father of homo sovieticus. Linus in the same way will be embalmed after death and preserved and there will be pilgrimages of software developers from all over the world.