I love democracy, but rigged democracy helps no one. That countries let smart people agree on rulership is not horrible, especially if oligarchy is controlled instead of being in charge. That we loved Russia under Yeltsin and hate it under Putin is exclusively that Yeltsin loved western corruption.
i have no problems with “hating the US/West” but thinking that Putin’s Russia is part of a some kind of a “free world” is another kind of
“hate the US/West” as much as you like… but don’t stop there.
The free world is the world that doesn’t have the US select its rulers. But keep on rocking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvxxdZpMFHg
they’re so free that they don’t even select their own rulers
I love democracy, but rigged democracy helps no one. That countries let smart people agree on rulership is not horrible, especially if oligarchy is controlled instead of being in charge. That we loved Russia under Yeltsin and hate it under Putin is exclusively that Yeltsin loved western corruption.